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Seeing 1:11 And 11:11 Everywhere


The last couple of weeks I been seeing 1:11 and 11:11,everywhere even in dreams. Then a few weeks later I woke up in the middle of the night for no reason and stay up for 30 minutes not trying to, then when I go back to sleep I get sleep paralysis and feel vibrations and buzzing sounds it feels like my soul is about to leave my body, but then I get to scared and stop the astral projection then it turns into a beautiful lucid dream

This one lucid dream I was outer space looking at Neptune and the stars and the pretty clouds and nebula. I thought it was going to happen once but it happens 4 times out of the week and I been having these experiences for the last six months. Its like my body programs myself to always to wake up at 1:00 then I'm forced to stay up for 30 minutes then I go to sleep and get sleep paralysis and feel vibrations and I don't even sleep on my back I sleep on my side. The only thing that is different is that it's a different lucid dream everytime. I'm too scared to leave my body because what if something negative is waiting for me. It's already bad enough that sometimes when I'm sleep paralysis without feeling the vibrations and hearing the buzzing sound I know one is there when they come I get creepy visions. But lucky they're so blurry that I can't even see what image it was trying to show me.

But is it a possibility that my angels spirit guides what to show me something since 11:11 is the awakening code? Maybe that's why they want me to come out of my body. Maybe they want to show me something important or even meet someone or even tell me something that will help me in the future.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, dreamer615, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Lyro (468 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
1:11 are angelic numbers, symbolized by that of the trilogy. I haven't heard of 11:11 being an awaken code, instead I've always seen it as a spiritual number, and a lucky number. Before in the past I would see the same thing myself, but nothing much came from those numbers. My advice would be to relax, if something happens, let it happen and experience it, if not, don't stress out about it. Now, in regards of astral projection, if you don't know what to expect/how to protect yourself, I wouldn't advise going. There are two different types, projection, and walking. Astral walking would be traveling in a spirit energy form around this earth, seeing people far away from you and such, that's ok, now as far as astral projection, traveling to the ether, it can be dangerous. I'd advise if you do end up going, keep in mind about "Guardians" They are... Simply put, like a human form of a guardian angel, patrol soldiers around the ether, if you're in trouble and you call out to them, they can help you. A friend had the same thing happen. Another thing to remember, a spirit doesn't need a body to survive, however your body needs your spirit, so you need to be careful, things that happen such as cuts can appear back on your flesh, I know from experience. Now if you're not a threat to anyone, you should be ok, but I'd still be careful either way, and Goodluck.
~ Lyro
dreamer615 (12 stories) (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
How would I know the difference between a angel or my twin flame or a negative energy pulling me out of my body to attack. I'll wake up in the middle the night for no reason then ill go to the restroom then go right back to sleep that's when I feel vibrations and hearing buzzing sounds and voices
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Yes that is very possible. My guardian angels have appeared before me on several occasions. My twin flame is in spirit, he comes in my dreams and I can feel his spirit touch me. I often times have visions of my twin flame through telepathy. It does feel like being pulled out of my body all the time when he needs me. I started experiencing this 11:11 frequency with both angels and my twin flame. So its quite a possibility.
dreamer615 (12 stories) (19 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
Eleiriel is it possible that I been almost projecting out of my body even though I don't want to, because my angels or twin flame wants to meet me
eleiriel (guest)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
11:11 us also a twin flame number as well as an awakening code. My twin flame came to me and started connecting to my frequency when I started seeing this nummber
PerfectPrettyPinkPrincess (6 stories) (16 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-08)
I see 11:11 too a lot though I don't know what it is either. Keep me posted though

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