It usually starts with me confessing that I just don't know what's wrong with me this week because I feel so stressed out. Then it gets worse and soon I'm in tears. I begin to recognize that it's not me. The feelings come while I'm awake and they herald a unfortunate occurrence. In the past it was always concerning me but now it's changing. There have been warnings of someone's death or possible death.
The last time I was so upset and tearful I couldn't stand it. Then, I read a news report about two young kids that were missing. This is the first time I received a warning about someone I didn't know and although they lived on the other end of the country I knew this was the occurrence I was worked up about so I started following the story every day. I did tarot readings on each of them and horary charts. It did not look good. After a few weeks I felt a sudden peace. I ran another tarot reading. Oh no these boys are dead. I even understood there feelings about their deaths. One of the boys was very upset and angry while the other boy was peaceful and even happy--which surprised me. The search continued another week or so but they were never found.
I believe that our soul chooses this life, when and where it will start and clearly when it will end. If that is the case what is the point of my feelings? Were they not meant to leave this world or was this a cry for help? It's happened before. My friend died in a suspicious way. I had not connected the dots that time. Another friend was far from home in another country. I was hysterical. I did every kind of Magick protection I knew. He returned looking quite haggard. This is confusing to me and very upsetting; I need to know what is being asked of me and if nothing why is it happening?
Thanks very much for any answers.
You're ritual sounds beautiful although I don't completely understand. Is this your spirit guide?
I would like to learn, except this for what it is and be grateful to be awake.
I hope to hear from you soon. Thank you for your response wishing you peace.