Whenever I was younger I had awful things happen to me. Things no one should ever have to deal with. Out of all the expirences I had, both spiritual and physical, I remember this one in particular.
I grew up in an old trailer, it was pretty much in the middle of nowhere. At the time, I was staying in the middle room of the place. My mother came in my room and told me to go to sleep. She turned off my lights and my television and walked back to her room. As I was laying there, I started to feel scared. Wondering why, I opened my eyes and saw a tall hooded figure. It resembled "The Reaper", I later found that out it one of the dreams I had about it. I don't remember clearly what happened afterwards, but I know that I turned my lights back on and my television.
I never thought anything of it. Until my fear of the dark made itself clear. It didn't really surface until about two years ago. The fear won't go away, I just seriously hate the dark. Another thing is though, this fear surfaced after I was made spiritually aware. Spiritually aware as in I met some people, and some spirits, over a course of time that made me want to learn more. So I did, not much, but a considerable amount.
I think something really weird is going on in my current home. A couple nights ago, my boyfriend Nick and I were woken up. I say that, because I checked my clock and it was 3:00 am on the dot. I heard footsteps coming up my stairs, so I immediately announced that it needed to go back downstairs. I also announced that the house is mine, and that it was not allowed to come back up the stairs. I did everything in my power to keep whatever that thing was, downstairs. The days following that Nick told me that he had been hearing the footsteps I heard that night. That leads up to today.
Today. I was sitting in my upstairs. Nick went downstairs to make food. I heard footsteps coming up the stairs, I thought it was Nick, and it was not. I saw what looked like a Warlords outline. I opened my window, announced for it to get out of my house because I already told the thing to not come upstairs. I waited exactly 5 seconds to close my window. Right after that, I laid back in my bed. I looked up, and instead of seeing the outlined warlord I saw the hooded figure that's haunted my dreams for so long. Keep in mind that this happened in the middle of the day. No dark to taint my eyesight. I stayed in my bed until Nick came back upstairs from making food. Then he went to take a shower. I head 3 distinct knocks on the outside of my door. I did not move, I did not answer the door. I waited until Nick got out of the shower and I went downstairs, sprinkled salt in front of my door, (which I don't know if that even works to ward spirits away but it made me feel better about the situation) and I used the sage I have to cleanse negativity that was in the house. I just know that this isn't the end of the things that have been happening. And I want to know how to deal with it, and my fear of the dark, in a more positive way.
To Audrey: I will be emailing you as soon as I finish this comment.
To Beth: I was using regular salt but I found out see salt was better! And I have called on saint Michael. The hooded figure has been tormenting me for so long I try not to give it power any longer.