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Twin Flame Affection


I've written this in different stories that my twin flame cuddled me. He hugs cuddles me while i'm awake and while i'm asleep.

One day I had gone to the movies to see the third hobbit movie with my mom, I felt my twin flame next to me while I watched the film. I started crying at the kili death scene and thranduil talking to her. After wards my parents drove me home back to my condo. During the car ride I felt a intense loving presence sitting beside me in the back seat, and I suddenly felt as if someone was hugging me. The rest of the car ride I had a big dopey smile on my face when my parents dropped me off.

Another time I went to bed and asked my twin flame to cuddle me in my dreams, and I fell asleep and dream't of myself still in my bed and in the dream I was laying on my side and I felt him laying behind me and I felt his energy based arms wrap around my waist and he snuggled me, I tried to get up in my dream and he pulled on my shoulder each time and pulled me to him and he kept cuddling. I woke up the next morning really happy.

I had another dream last on Thursday February 26, 2015 while spending the night at my parents house. Before I went to bed on their couch I asked my twin flames spirit to hug me. And I fell asleep and dream't that I was standing my room at home and I walked to my bedroom door and opened it, and I saw two men were talking in my hallway, then I went back into my room and closed the door. I went over to my bed in my dream and lay down on my side wrapping my self in the covers. I heard my bedroom door open and I felt someone climb int my bed and lay down beside me wrapping their arms around my waist and snuggling into me close. I tried getting away from whoever he was, and he kept pulling me closer and snuggling me like he was in love with me. I finally was able to free myself from this guys grip and ran out of my bedroom and he followed me, I hid from him behind a table and when I thought he was gone I ran over to my bedroom door and he was suddenly in front of me and he pulled me into a huge bear hug with his arms around my waist and he rocked side to side as is he was dancing and cuddling, I finally got away and opened my bedroom door and tried to close it and he kept it open looking at me lovingly. I sat on my bed and sat down across from me in my mattress and starred at me with big puppy dog eyes. And I woke up. I sat on my parents couch. I thought at first it was the demon that had been following me since I was seventeen and had used the ouija board, but after waking up I realized there was no eerie feeling that I feel when the demon is around, instead I felt my twin flames energy presence watching me, and I suddenly so felt bad that I hadn't recognized him in my dreams. Now that I look back at my dreams I realized that he had made his hair darker to match my hair dye and he did look like me only male. God I feel like an idiot. I wanted a hug and I got big loving cuddles and hugs from him. Silly me.

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Magickyg413 (8 stories) (96 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-10)
Leo just said hello there:).
If you really feel like its your last life on earth, complete your timeline by completing your misions.;)
As for me, welll... I had to discover more things in life.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-10)
Oh that's so awesome! I know three of my guardians names. Two I found out in my dreams. Another I found out from a psychic one day. The name actually resonated with me. One guardian angel is named luke. Luke is blonde too and extremely tall. The other is Nathaniel or as I call him Nathan. He has very short black hair and it extremely tall as well. They stand on either side of me like tall pillars. The other samantha. She appears to me in my dreams as a young little angel girl. She has long light brown hair. I have two guardian angel stories I posted on my account here.
Nero96 (1 stories) (8 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-10)
I've recently done a meditation practice to contact my gaurdian. I got the name Agus pop into my head. She blonde, wears a long silk like dress and has a small baby crow by her side.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
That's so awesome that your twin flames interacting with you:) I'm excited for you! Did you know that Romeo and Juliet is a story about twin flames:) if you watch the 2013 movie version of romeo and Juliet they look so similar. They have the same eyes and the same eyebrows and the same hair color. Tell Leonardo I say hi!
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
That makes more sense. I think my guardian angels may have been showing me visions of me and thomas. Your right. Hopefully they stop fighting because I can't stand the idea of losing either one of them. Thank you so much! I totally agree Thomas needs me to comfort him and reassure him that it's not his fault and that i'm not going to leave either of them again. I feel this life is my last incarnation. I'm never leaving either of them.
Magickyg413 (8 stories) (96 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
It's possible that you have been around Thomas all day and started to remember them. Or was it one of your guardian angels sending you that message... I don't think Thomas could have done it and oh my god, your past life must have put a lot of trauma for your soul mate, you should talk to him and tell him its not his fault and comfort him.
And one more thing, I'm pretty sure they can be with you as long as they stop fighting, just to make things fair. Cx but hey, that's my opinion.
And for twin flame, I was pretty excited when I felt his presence. I knew it was going to happen someday.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
A couple months ago I started having vision of my past life with Thomas, such as him proposing to me and me saying yes.

I started having a vision several months ago where I was in this white room and I saw my past life Kate sitting on a white vanity table staring in the mirror. While she sat on a bench styling her very long blonde hair in a braided messy bun up do. She was dressed in dark clothes. Black leggings. High heels. A stylish long black coat. Thomas was standing there watching her as they talked. While she got ready.

And then another thing that happened that lead to my death. I asked Thomas how I died. And I started having a vision from a previous life. Me and Thomas were hurrying down the sidewalk and I stopped and Thomas turned to me, "Kate hurry up!" he said. "hold on a second Thomas I left my umbrella" there was a pause, "okay got it!" I shouted back to him. We both sounded really happy even though were in a rush. Suddenly a man came up to us and he stood in front of me and said, "take your wallets and money out of your pockets and hand them over to me." I refused and I was killed. The mugger left, "kate, Kate! No please don't go I need you! Please don't die! Kate I love you... Please someone help!" Thomas went to the nearest door and pounded on it. The person living there opened there door, "please can I use your phone, my fiancé was just mugged and shot!" Thomas pleaded. Then the vision faded.

Those are the only three visions I had of Kate. I think Thomas was sharing them with me or maybe being around Thomas sparked memories of my past life with him. Maybe both.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
That's awesome that your twin flame told you his name! Yeah I'm having a lot of trouble with my soulmate and twin flame. Whenever they are both here they banter back and forth over who's going to take me home. Everything I choose my twin flame Thomas grabs hold of me and cuddles me saying "nope! You coming home with me kate." They are both set on taking me home with them. SIGH...
Magickyg413 (8 stories) (96 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
Heh. He needs some comfort and company from you. Although, I'm starting to get worried about your twin flame and soul mate fighting a lot. Will they'll be ok? And by the way, I think my twin flame show up already. I felt something touching me and it was really warm. Weird thing is, I had a dream about that before it happen, XD. I told him, who are you? What's your name? And he said using telepathy, I'm your twin flame, Leonardo. And for some reason, I could feel his presence everywhere and his emotions. And right now, he told me who Am I talking to.
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
finally my twin flames back. You were right. Thank you:) his presence does always seem to come back. I'm glad my twin flame can't be parted from me for very long. Yay! I'm so happy!
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
yes my twin flame is upset at himself. He constantly goes on and on through our twin telepathy that he's mad that he didn't wait for me, like I waited for him all my life. And that he didn't protect me. He constantly beats himself up over it. I tell him I love him no matter what. But I think he wanted a sort of romeo and Juliet type lovei wth me. When his presence is here with me he rants that he doesn't deserve me and that he should have waited. He sometimes shows me visions of his ex's and him and tries to make me jelious because he wants me to love him more than they ever did. I guess he wants proof. And I expressed that I love him forever and always. And he just doesn't believe from all the heart break he's been through. And now he's scared he's going to lose me to Thomas. And he's really not. But he keeps thinking this.
Magickyg413 (8 stories) (96 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-09)
I bet he will come back real soon. Is he upset and having doubts about keeping you? Or regrets about hurting you in the past?
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
It was so nice! I love thomas's cuddles:) I'm glad I know it's him now. It would of been nice if my twin flame had cuddled me too. But he didnt...
Magickyg413 (8 stories) (96 posts)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
^^ that warm cuddling moment sounded very comfortable. ⌒.⌒
EthralHeart (guest)
9 years ago (2016-03-08)
I've realized now that it wasn't my twin flame cuddling me. It was Thomas my soulmate. Because in the dream there were two different guys. A psychic I went to said it was Thomas cuddling me. By the way this is eleiriel. I had deleted my old account a while back and made a new one. Yup.

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