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Woman In Black, Reptile-like Entity, And Death Predictions


I would really like if someone can give me any explanation. My birth was difficult. Medical staff left my mum in labour for 27 hours then cleaning lady noticed that she was in coma and I was struggling to come out. As I wasn't coming out properly (I wanted to come out at my butt instead head like every normal human being:P) they didn't use cesarean section and instead they pulled me out on vacuum saving my mother's life because they thought that I will die anyway. I had multiple brain injuries but I survived and after 40 days they set me free of machines that kept me in life. After that I become medical mystery that every ambitious doctor wanted to explore (for example - muscle biopsy showed degeneration of muscle and neural tissue and I am walking, my brain was so severe damaged and I have two university degrees ect.) so they did some experiments with my body. Anyway, my coming to the earth was obviously a little bit traumatized. I remember that I chose my mother, and my mother had dream about everything that will happen at my birth (our family women line has history of dreaming what will happened). From my childhood I don't remember any important event except that I had couple of incidents when I would woke up screaming he/she will die, but I don't remember who or what happened only the feeling like someone's soul passed right through me. From 2000 until now some things happened and now I really would like to have some answers. First incident was one summer, I was falling in sleep and I opened eyes and saw lady in black standing next to my fish aquarium when she realized that I am awake she was scared and when I felt that she was scared I got scared too and I closed my eyes. Then I felt that she is on my bed crawling towards me. Then in my state of fear I somehow manage to grab her hair (it felt like lifeless) but when I realized that I have in my hand something nasty I instinctively release it. When I had her hair in may hand I sensed that she was in panic and when I released it I felt that she felt relief then she laughed at me (pretty scary laugh) and came closer and kissed me in my forehead and whispered I am more powerful than you think and then she disappeared. All that time I couldn't see anything as a dark veil was covering my eyes and I was in state of paralyze except that moment when I grabbed her hair - paralyze and darkness began from moment she realized that I was awake. Another event took place in summer too, my sister was at my apartment and during that time my TV went on of couple of times, but we didn't pay any attention on that and we were chatting about everyday things. Then out of nowhere right before she went home she told me to close the windows and doors that someone could come in. I looked at her thinking wtf but I didn't give any importance to that. Then I went to my bed and fell in sleep but noise woke me up there was something siting on my back (I was lying on my stomach) and it had finger pointed at my temple and it was producing noise like drill machine (that noise woke me up) and there was somebody else in the corner of my room and I had impression that it gives instruction to this thing sitting on me. Somehow I managed to open my eyes again and I saw a thing he looked like mixture of human and reptile, his skin was olive grey he had white long hair, black eyes, no ears, instead nose he had slots, was about 150 cm high. I got very angry so I imagined my energy in the shape of white current that was collecting from my toes and fingers toward my hearth and it shaped powerful sphere which I aimed on that thing and it was blown at my wall and fell on my floor hard. Peripherally I managed to see white dress of the other that was human (I think) and both of them were males, both of them run out of my room through my balcony doors and I could hear their footsteps. Two days after I realized that that olive green thing look familiar to me. Night before the event some friends introduced me to one guy that was attending kriya yoga classes with them. We supposed to take him home (we picked them all from yoga class by car because we - the girls, had a plan to go out), but he changed his mind and he stayed whit us all night. During the night, he tried to came closer to me but my reaction was awful, I was acting like maniac when he would approach to me. I couldn't bare his presence at all I was aggressive toward him and very impolite and that wasn't me, I wasn't acting like myself at all. Then it crossed my mind what if it was him I decided to check it. Night after event my friend contact him (before I realized that it was him) and he gave her advice that I put salt crosses on every window or door, so he was "familiar" with everything. I didn't tell my friend about my suspicious and I asked that he call him for a drink because I wanted to talk. When my friend went to bathroom I told him that I know what he tried to do and advised him not to repeat it because next time he wouldn't be so lucky (I was bluffing) he looked at my eyes and said sorry it won't happen again, right in that time my friend came back and I didn't had the time to react but I was in shock because I didn't expect that answer. I told everything to my friend and she told me that he was talking all the time about me and he was over thrilled about me claiming that I am media (whatever) ... During the certain life circumstances, that friend and I, we aren't friends anymore after that I had couple of visits of various entities some ghosts, and some unidentified entities, but nothing aggressive like those two. And then I started to get visions or dreams about people who are going to die. First it was my professor, It was day like every other day in my class and I saw him like death person and I sad to my other friend that he will be dead in couple of months, my friend got angry at me claiming that I'm talking bullshiat and then that professor was hit by motorcycle and died two months after. After that I had strange dream about my friend in which he wanted to talk to me but my bloody ego refused (we were in some fight earlier and I was angry at him), and in the morning I realized that he is going to kill himself. I called my friend because at his phone I got voicemaill, she told me that it is probably my imagination and went to his facebook profile to contact him but there was notice that he was missing, I wanted to contact all his friends but she told me that they will proclaim me as lunatic and convinced me that everything will be alright, he hang himself three days after, it happened a year ago and I still can't help myself thinking that I could stop it. I tried to go at bioenergy treatments but the lady was very hostile to me and at the same time she couldn't let me go after treatment she wanted that we (one of my friends and I were together at that treatment) go for drink or meal or walk (she always left me last) she told me that my aura colors are strange inside layer is yellow, middle one is blue, and external is red, and that red doesn't let her to help me (all things that happen to me in my childhood left some health consequences), but I think that she was pissed of because I could see through her, and she told me some nasty things like I could help that friend, that I had a thing for occult, that I will drown in my own poison like all scorpios, but she left me wonder is there some truth, am I the one that subconsciously attracts all this things, or there is something in me or there is something follow me attached... Any explanation is welcomed tnx.

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Comments about this clairvoyant experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, pavedulcic, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

pavedulcic (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-15)
Is there anyone who can tell me what my aura colors mean? Why do I have only three primary color layers - yellow, blue and red?
pavedulcic (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-09)
Honestly I don't think It is wise to mess up with this I think If I try to do it by myself I'll only make it worse but tank you anyway for your good intentions:))
-_-Sleepy-_- (3 stories) (33 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
I really don't know how to lift a curse or hex but this might help really wish I can be more of a help
pavedulcic (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
Did my aura colors have anything to do with it? And how can I resolve it?
-_-Sleepy-_- (3 stories) (33 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
Yes I know what you mean I strongly believe that you have a curse or hex. I'm saying this because
1 the fear the witch wanted to inject fear into you

2 being able to touch her hair like GrimReaper sail its unusual to not able to touch a spirit but something from a hex or curse

3 The guy said sorry but if he could not shapeshift (even in astral projection form) but a hex/curse can send something at you even if it is possible that he can send something back in time

Even though I might not be right
pavedulcic (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
I had impression that it was a witch... Does that make any sense?
pavedulcic (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-08)
Her hair was straw like I didn't see her face because I have broken the paralyze for that moment but not the blindness. I think that I didn't want to see her and didn't even try as the grabbing hair was an instinct, and it was already enough for me. I don't think that she and the reptile are same person because It is funny when she appeared I felt fear but in the same time It felt almost like we are somehow related, she was familiar to me to, and when that reptile like thing showed, my feeling of anger was so much intense than fear that fear almost wasn't present and our encounter was pretty hostile and intense. In her case I felt big respect, and in his case I felt abhorrence and disrespect and the funny thing is that when I looked at his eyes I saw sadness and for moment I felt sorry for him - which is strange and it was like part of second before I aimed that imaginary ball. But someone told me that those two entities are coming from fourth dimension and that it is a part of my family course which for me is not satisfied explanation as I am the only one affected:)
-_-Sleepy-_- (3 stories) (33 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
You can sage your house use salt as you did but the lady in black did her hair feel hot cold normal or straw like? I'm wondering if you seen her face or was it all black like a very dark shadow anyways can you tell me if she seemed like a demon negitive spirit or a poltergist (spirit that was created by your energy) and one more thing was the woman in black and reptile
pavedulcic (guest)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
If anyone can give me any advice, solution, anything that can help me to take control over my energy I would be very grateful. I see all those fights "that I win" as pure coincidence and I am afraid that something stronger will come next and I wouldn't stand a chance... You can contact me at pavedulcic [at] tnx:)
Eric_Rutherford (4 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-07)
I believe this as paranormal experience. Sorry I could not help but reading your story, adds my knowledge about other hidden entities in this world.

I also have strange dreams that come true the next day. When I woke up, I could not remember anything in my dreams but after seeing the things happen right in front of my eyes, I feel something, it is strange, like I have seen this before! The difference is you dream about people's death while I dream about people's presence and regular things that do not matter at all. And you could remember what you dreamt, seems that your energy really is stronger.

I have no idea if this is a gift or all of us human have this kind of power, just that just a few can unlock the potential intentionally or unconsciously. But I believe it has something to do with Crown Chakra.
GrimReaper (1 stories) (9 posts)
10 years ago (2015-01-06)
Okay, I will bravely talk to you. The fact that you have that Scorpio part of you means you are a fighter and will struggle to overcome all difficulties. You nearly died at birth and I suspect that too helped you come into the world with paranormal gifts/curses.

You can attract the darker energies because your energy is so strong. I can sense that you are a powerful personality that others will either gravitate to or be repulsed by you. Thing is, you must let go of any guilt for the loss of the friend whom hanged himself.

I won't try to tell you to lighten up, that is just not what one tells a strong Scorpio personality. I have strong Plutonic traits too and wallow in my own poison. It just seems that Scorpios have to deal with a lot of the dark side and they are strong enough to kick butt and take names.

I am the same with knowing when people are about to die, I get warnings about death all the time. But the Woman in Black part fascinates me, I see spirits at night as well, but have never grabbed one and reading about you grabbing her hair is very interesting. You did battle with a spirit and you beat her. Which is why she left with the words that she is stronger than you think she is. That is cool and the way you handled that reptile thing was neat too. These spirits shouldn't mess with you at all.

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