I went to a funeral yesterday and by the time I went home I went right to bed. I started to feel a strong presence watching over me very closely and I admit it did make me feel a bit uncomfortable but I just brushed it off and fell to sleep. I started to have dreams of my aunt, she started to mouth some words but I couldn't comprehend and she seemed to be in a depressed state and wanted to do something about it. My great grandma as well started to cry she seemed distressed and wanted to do something too.
I woke up tossing and turning and kept having the same dreams over and over.
I feel as if my aunt wanted to comfort her children and calm them down from all the pain they've endured during her last days until now, and my great grandma is probably sad due to the fact of her daughter's death or for the same reason I think why my aunt is sad.
My grandma also told me on the day of my aunt's passing she saw the picture of my grandma crying and her dressed turned bright white under her ashes. My emotions from this is extremely sad I want to do something about it.
I want to see them happy in my dreams. I want to know why they're feeling this way or is it just me? I've haven't had feelings like this since 8th grade where I would dream about the past and the future and have strong emotions from it. Today is her burial, I'm just going to pray that everything will be better for her on the other side as well as my great grandma whose ashes will be finally buried after 13 years since her death.