5 years ago, my father died. I was 11 back then. I think something changed in that moment, because since then I have really weird dreams. About half a year after his death, I first dreamed that I lost my teeth. It wasn't hurting, but 3-4 teeth fell out and I was pretty shocked. 2 weeks later a not very close relative of mine died. I asked my mom if she had that dream too, and because she once she told me that she always had the same dream like I had that night, before somebody she knew died. But this time, she dreamt nothing. I thought it was a coincidence so I didn't really care until I had that dream again, and soon after, one of my favourite actors died of an heart attack. Ever since then when I had a dream of losing some teeth a person I, or a family member of me knew, died. 2013 I had two of those dreams again, but this time, they were a bit different. In my first dream, I lost all of my teeth. They just fell out, I felt nothing but I never lost all of them before. I went to school the next morning just to hear that my maths teacher had died 2 days before in an accident, and the next day my best friend told me that his father committed suicide the day after I had that dream. So two people I knew died in 3 days. The next teeth dream I had was again a bit different. I lost all of my teeth, and my mouth bled extremely, but again no pain. This time I almost knew that my grandpa would die because he was really sick for years, had a very uncommon type of bloodcanceer. Around 1 week later he died. Exactly one week after my grandpa died, one grandpa of my best friend died. The last dream I had was this year, again 1-2 weeks before the other grandpa of my best friend died. It is always 1 or 2 weeks before someone dies, except for when my teacher and my best friends father died. My mom never dreamt anything like this again after I had my first dream. I don't know if it is important, but before I was born, my mom dreamt I had a 3rd eye. Then as a very little child I woke up in the middle of the night, panicking, telling my mother that there were people dying and houses collapsing and the next day we heard that there was a huge earthquake with many deaths. (I can't remember this though, my mother told me). Then at the age of 5 or 6 I started to see a black figure in front of my bed. He had four glowing eyes but I couldn't see any details because he was like a black silhouette. He wasn't only standing in front of my bed, he sometimes also moved around in the house but he never harmed me or talked to me, he just was there. And I didn't dream it because I saw him constantly for almost one year.
I still sometimes have dreams which come true, but not so dramatic ones like the earthquake one.
I think I also saw the spirit or ghost of my father once.
And one last thing, I say out loud what is on the mind of others. It happens often that my mom or my best friend are thinking about something and I just say it. But I can't listen to minds, I just get random a thought and tell it the people around me and they say that they were thinking the exact same thing I just said.
My grandma also has 'special feelings' about upcoming events sometimes.
I know this was a quite long text but I would really like to know a bit more about these things, especially about my dreams, because they are really horrifying, and this black silhouette/person I saw when I was little. If anyone can tell me anything about one of the points mentioned above, I would be really greatful!
Have you asked your mom why she thinks it's a curse?
And you can find my email address on my profile page.
Talk to you soon.