When I was about four years old, I almost drowned in a lake. My parents told me my brother pulled me out and saved me, but I know for a fact I would have been dead had it not been for the "light" I saw that day. I say light because I'm not sure what it is that I saw that day. Because after I started going under, and before I lost consciousness, I felt a warmth and was suddenly engulfed in a blue light. After this incident, I didn't see the blue light again until I was about 12, when I got a random thought, more like I heard a voice in my mind telling me to go and try to see them again. I don't know really my thought process afterwards but I immediately went downstairs from my room and went out the door to my backyard and made my way to a very large stone well in my bavkyard. There was a large cap over the well so I just climbed onto it and sat down. After this I began to meditate, and while I kept my eyes closed, I was able to see lights around me, like I could sense my location and the things surrounding me. And I suddenly saw the same blue light from when I was four. I could tell this was the same light because I felt a sense of connection and familiarity with that light compared to the other lights around me. Then it felt as if it was communicating with me, and I began to talk to it.
We "talked" for a few hour just outside until I went back inside my house and slept. In my sleep, I was walking in the woods in my backyard until I came across a bridge leading to an old house with a window in the attic. I don't know what but it felt as if a force was pulling me in. And when I walked in I saw a large group of white winged people, and when they saw me they welcomed me and told me that they had missed me because I had been away a long time. When I asked who thy were they told me that they were my family but my physical family. They then led me to the attic where I saw the blue light again. But this time instead of being in the form of an orb, it was a person, and he had wings too but his were lightly tinted the same blue color as when he was in light form. He then rejoiced in having me see him again in that form and hugged me. After this I suddenly was jolted awake by some force, and I sensed a second presence in my room, not the blue light, but a somewhat malicious presence which quickly faded away.
After this all I remember feeling was a sadness that I was torn apart from these beings, who I really did feel a deep connection to, and especially the blue light, because I felt that we were very close to each other bit he never had the time to explain what it was or why all of them suddenly appeared before me in this life. And now to this day whenever I sense the presence of that light, I experience a sad and deep longing in myself for reasons I know not of.
If anyone else has experienced or understands any of this, please help because I have been left wondering all this time.