I am aerokinetic and I am easily angered. There was this one time when it was sunny and two of my classmates angered me. Well, they kind of rejected most of my ideas for our class video project (I was one of the main scriptwriters). I didn't say anything and tried to calm myself down. I was angry because of the fact that I tried to give HER ideas a chance but SHE keeps on rejecting MOST of my ideas. I can't disagree or say anything against HER ideas because my co-scriptwriter is having similar ideas as HER. I tried my best to cool myself down but I kept on recalling their rejection, which made me angrier. It came to the point when I said to myself "I'VE HAD ENOUGH!". The lights near the whiteboard flickered a couple of times and it became windy all of a sudden (BTW it was the ONLY time the front lights flickered and it was SUNNY not WINDY). I have 2 questions, is it possible that I made the lights flicker because of anger? Is it also possible that my anger made it windy?
Another thing (related to aerokinesis), I went to school early because I am one of the scouts who have "duty". Thinking about the useless stuffs we have to do, I became frustrated and a bit angry (I don't know why I am easily angered. Is this one of the side effects of being a psychic?) Anyways, I went inside the girls' restroom and let my anger out by taking deep breaths. When I went outside the restroom, the wind became stronger all of a sudden.
Some of you may say that these are just coincidences, but these things happened a lot of times, specifically the winds. I am kind of afraid of the capacity of my "gift" because I am aware that my "gift" will have the possibility to cause many other things. Is it possible that I might hurt someone with it?
I has been good to read that others find anger is a connection to their gift as well.