This is basically a story about how everything started with the "Rose Quartz Dream". So, a while ago, I went to the U.N with my classmates and this boy who I've never really looked at, never really thought anything of, touched my hand by an accident and as soon as we touched, this incredible surge of energy went up my arm and it was only for a second but it left an after feeling. I guess the only way to explain it is like an after taste. I could kind of FEEL it still, just on a different level. I know he felt it too. He looked back at me and we both jerked our hands away. I just turned my head away from him and on the ride back to the hotel with the class, I could still feel the energy and it did not go away until I fell asleep.
Ever since, it has been bothering me. What did it mean? What did the tingly vibrations mean? I still get them but now it's stronger. I feel it when I stand next to him or close to him. I even feel the tiniest of vibrations when I think of him. I call it "The Spark" because, as I described in the "Rose Quartz Dream" it was a wet, cold weird thing that I hated. I never wanted him even near me. Now though, it's a Spark. It's different now for some reason but it's warm and tingly but I can't get the question out of my head, what does The Spark mean? I've gone over it in my head just about a hundred times and I can't find the answer because it doesn't make sense. I've spent my life with this boy and we have hardly ever even talked and when we have it has been him asking me a question and me answering with a "Mhm." Or "yeah." And then walking away. I never really mean to blow him off its just when I get nervous around people, I deal with it by walking away and collecting myself and he definitely has a power presence that over powers mine. So, after years of being with him? Why am I feeling this now? What does The Spark mean?
What you told me is really motivating me to search for a deeper meaning through this. I have considered that this may just be an electroshock thing from static because experiences like this are very rare but it didn't make sense to me since we were in a subway at night and it was more of a tingle at first than an actual shock. What did make me think if it had a deeper meaning was that it grew as time went on and I noticed him more but it happened with one if my best friends too but on a...stranger level. We were in the airport and she was about to touch my arm when this light sort of like lightning went between us and it was huge. It clouded my vision for a second with light and it was like the world went blank for a second but when we came back, everything was normal. Nobody except my friend, the guy I had almost the same experience with, and one of my guy friends saw It happen. It was the weirdest thing and it happened several other times but nothing like the first time. I think that when I touched the guy I likes hand, it set off a chain reaction or something because things sort of like this happened again and again but not on the same level as when they happened the first time. Anyway, thank you for telling me that. It was very inspiring and motivating. I'll be sure to research this more. Thank you!