It's been several years now. I do not know the exact amount of years it started happening but I noticed it in around 2009. I have always had pets all my life (including fishes, hamsters, ducks, etc.) however whenever it is December something happens, like in December 2009 a Bobcat came into my backyard and ate two of my ducks for dinner. 2010 three of my rare fish suddenly died, etc. Most of these events happened on the week before Christmas. And just recently on the Sunday before Christmas week I was supposed to get a new puppy (teacup Maltese) on Monday (next day) and I got everything ready even having a name ready but it died on the night of Sunday by choking on some chicken breasts. The puppy was 3 months old and I was never able to meet it in the end. The animals are like family to me and I do not want to face another death in the future before Christmas.
I know that death will come upon my pets sooner or later in the future and I know I cannot control death but really why does it have to be always on the same week as Christmas? It is supposed to be the most happy time of the year and the time to hope, dream, and wish. But instead I worry and fear about my dog and two parakeets I have presently. Could you please tell me what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? I'm not much of a religious person so I don't believe in it was Gods doing of punishing me or what not. I'm just a average person caring for her pets as if family and I don't do bad deeds or anything. I don't understand why there is death on December.