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Real Psychic Experiences

Egg Man


I was probably 8 or 9. I was sleeping, and suddenly woke up in the night and needed the washroom. I proceeded to get up but before I stepped out of my bed, in my doorway stood 2 'things'. One being a stick figure about 3 ft tall, one of its feet being claw-like, and the other more club-like. The second thing that stood to its right was an egg shaped thing. It was about 2 ft, and had 2 stick legs. No arms. Both were white, glowing, and swayed side to side slightly. Words cannot describe the amount of fear and terror I felt from these 2 things, and I continue to get chills when telling the story. I refused to leave my bed out of fear and have ever since been completely dumbfounded as to what they were and what they wanted? (They stayed - to my knowledge - at least an hour before I fell asleep, watching me). More importantly, why was I so afraid? I had seen things before and not been afraid, so why would these scare me? Specifically the Egg Man (which is what I named it) considering it was definitely the less "scarier" of the 2 when comparing appearances. I haven't seen them since, and am thankful. The next morning, I told my mom (who has an array of special abilities) about the Egg Man, and she immediately freaked out and told me never to say that name again. Years later, she told me when she was young she was visited by what she had called the Egg Man and it had scared her all throughout her childhood. I guess my question is, has anyone experienced this Egg Man or know anything about the origin behind it? Anything would be great. Thank you.

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Ally308940 (3 stories) (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-14)
I can relate to this, When I was younger I used to get really scared at night because I saw something either in my closet or in the door way. It would scare me really bad. It was hard to believe that something so small could scare something that bad. I would even have nightmares of it. This is the first time I have spoke of it since the last time I saw it. It get me sick to my stomach talking about it.
hrk (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-15)
I agree. When I see my grandmother next I will most definitely mention it. I'll even bug my mom to give me some info, because I know she knows something!
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-14)
It would be interesting to find out, I would imagine it should be fairly easy to find out with some searching around in family history.
hrk (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-13)
Zin - a deal result? That's a very interesting yet probable theory... I will definitely check with my grandmother, and hopefully she'll have some background information. Fingers crossed! Thank you for the advice.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-13)
Ay, this thing sounds like a deal result, you know give some to get something. I would say check with your grandmother because even if she didn't believe it, it might be something in family history.
hrk (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-12)
Ming - my egg man did not 'look' scary per se, but the feeling I got from it made me feel scared... If that makes any sense.
ming (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-12)
this is very odd, because I drew and painted an egg man once and he does not look scary at all. This is very curious indeed. My egg man is going through a vortex or something. Not sure what its supposed to mean.
hrk (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-11)
Zin - funnily enough, my grandmother is a skeptic and doessnt believe in anything even remotely "supernatural"! I guess I will have to pry into my mom a bit more;)
Joni - I will definitely do this. Thank you:)
Joni437 (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-11)
Google it and keep searching,,, even check on a clairvoyant who has abilities to see into these matters... Great help comes from them
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-10-11)
Your mom, probably knows more than what she is telling you. I would also suggest talking to your grandmother as well.

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