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Real Psychic Experiences

My Protector


Firstly, I do in fact understand that this is not a dream interpretation site. But my dreams are relevant to my real life experiences. I do my best to keep it short and sweet.

For about seven years now, I have dreamed of a man. Sometimes he comes to me with large feathered wings and sometimes he does not. His overall appearance is dark and but his aura makes me overjoyed, the happiest I have ever felt. Even during my sleep I can feel myself beaming up at him as he does the same to me.

If I have had a bad day or am need of a friend, I can meditate or pray for him before I go to sleep, and he will be there in my dreams that night waiting for me.

Now, changing the topic a little bit. I do in fact meditate a lot. I don't know if my aura is strong or if I can just raise my blood pressure, but I can feel pressure in my veins when I close my eyes and focus with a blank mind.

So one day, after reading about trying to summon spirits while meditating, I decided to try it as well.

As I mediated and cleared my mind, and created the energy to a ball in my hands, I began to focus on seeing my 'protector's face, and I mentally asked him to be here with me.

And at that moment I felt a hand being placed on my arm and my name being whispered.

I jerked away and opened my eyes to find no one there, and half scared to death I thanked him but didn't try it again.

I suppose apart of me didn't believe that it would actually work.

I still dream of him but this scenario still puzzles me. I am so fascinated but scared, all at the same time.

My questions to you are what should I expect, if anything, for this being? And what is this being? Is he an angel? A spirit? Or just a figment of my imagination?

And what does this make me?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, theuniqueone, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

vant (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-06)
Oh well thanks for answering my question. Just I can't help but feel something isn't right. I am a empath and I can feel things sometimes by just reading. Just be careful (this may sound weird because I feel weird just telling you this) I feel something out of place about "him" I don't know why...
Belen7rayos (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-06)
Hello! I have to tell you that what you have is amazing and you should never ever doubt that he is real!:) Now, although I am not sure if he is a spiritual guardian I can share with you my Godmother's experience. She is an amazing woman and extremely spiritual/powerful and her husband was also very powerful and spiritual (R.I.P). She met him in her dreams before they ever met in this world; they were perfect for one another and together they worked and still work healing and teaching others. <3

Follow your instincts, quiet your mind and let your true self show you the way:) - much love and happiness, Belen
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
Some people can more than others in terms of controlling there dreams, simply the realization that you are asleep.
theuniqueone (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
Difficult indeed. I only have so much control when I dream with him in it. It seems easy to talk about my troubles and the things that bother me, and even my feelings. I am not very good at controlling most of my dreams with him unless it is the very detailed ones where I am in a state of sleep that just makes it all around easier to control. Does this even make sense?

Some dreams I can control, some I can't. It comes and goes. And usually the ones that I can control are the ones where something has happened and I REALLY need to talk to him. Like I said, only when it is about things that bother me, etc.

I don't think we have EVER had a discussion about him. And I don't even know if I could will myself in a dream state to bring it up, but I will most certainly try the next few times. The next hard part will be remembering.
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
Ah, you cannot do it before hand, you have to try it in the dream, that's where the difficulty comes from.
theuniqueone (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
I prayed to him last night before I went to bed. I have tried asking him several times for a name but its always the same reaction. He just smiles at me warmly, an all to knowing smile mixed with adoration perhaps?

I will try again. Maybe I will even try to meditate and ask him that way, but I am fearful of a response like the one before.

We are so connected. It's crazy, I can't even begin to express it. I even played clarinet for him one time in my dream within a church. (I was a music major for some time) and then there was another dream where I had a bad day at school the day before, so he held me out on a school bench while I cried and explained to him what happened.

Most instances he comes to me smiling but sometimes it is him who is in distress. Sometimes he is in the rough but then he smiles again when he is with me.

He rarely speaks, but one of the most meaningful things he has ever said to me was, "Wait until the day we meet." and it confuses me severely. Perhaps he means meet in another life, or heaven, or perhaps my dreams AKA an altered reality.
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
I think I know the girl he was talking about, I knew her at one time too, but we lost contact. Her name was Sarah. Also just a coincidence, I was actually born in NC myself. Didn't live there for long though. Also it's quite possible for him to be your Guardian, just watching over you. You'd be surprised how often when someone is in trouble or scared that to receive help, all they need to do is ask and someone will be there. When first reading this story you made me remember something from the past, but the time was off. It would have been like 3 years, not 7. That's fine though, I was just curious 😊
vant (9 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-30)
This story intrigues me a lot. Have you ever talked to this "being" or ever got to know his name? I would like to know his name...
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
It is a ymail, one of the yahoo sub mails. The reason I asked is I knew someone from Florida that had a similar story, I just didn't recall her name, it was a few years ago.
theuniqueone (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
Sadly, no. I do have natural dirty blonde colored hair. Though, I'm only about 5ft, blue eyes, and am pale but with a nice yellow/tan glow. Needless to say, I am not pale white. I grew up in NC): and am currently living with my dad elsewhere as I figure out what exactly I want to major in.

And is that yahoo mail or literally ymail?
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
If he comes on a daily basis, simply ask what or who he is. By the way you wouldn't happen to be a blonde/dyed blonde, slightly tan and lived in Florida for sometime?

Email me at belk30 [at]
theuniqueone (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
Hahaha, you two are too funny!

And they happen daily, if not then weekly. And if I haven't heard from him then all I have to do is pray before bed and he shows up! I don't mind his presence as it is quite comforting, so I do not wish him to be gone at all. In fact, I am sure if I asked him to stop coming, he would. But I haven't tried that because he only wishes to protect me of sorts.

Do you think he is my guardian angel? Or possibly a twin flame that I will later meet in life? I just wish I knew exactly, and I know that you all don't have every answer but I still hope.

Quite honestly, if he were to be a spirit or ghost, then I might actually be a bit fearful. But I still wouldn't ask anything bad of him, especially after all he has done for me.
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
Right about what? And we should probably move this conversation off of this story's page and into a more private conversation don't you think?
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
It was no real surprise their failure no, it seems in the end I was right once more.

How common are these dreams? A daily basis or something more of the blue moon kind? Furthermore, I must ask if you enjoy it or wish it to be gone.
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
Well correction, make me seem like a dumbo. Lol, Right as I say that, there's now a post:/
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
It has been a long time, but I came back to see what all was going on. I remember when I had more posts than Annev, that was kind of funny. Lol. And I find this story interesting for a couple different reasons, but as of right now I haven't seen a response, or an E-mail, so I guess she doesn't want to talk, or to me at least.-.
theuniqueone (1 stories) (5 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-29)
I was going through suicidal thoughts seven years ago and an eating disorder due to hard times in my life, and major transitions. He came to me at first in a dream, holding me with large feathered wings. His wings were not completely white, more gray with darker specks making them seem realistic. He has dark trimmed hair, but not too short. A straight nose, long lashes with matching dark eyes, no facial hair, but always comes with a wide smile with perfect white teeth. His body is lean but not not skinny for he is toned. I notice that I have to look up to him when I am in my dreams, and he is always kind.

I keep track of my dreams. The weird thing that confuses me most is that one of my dreams took place in an apartment. It was just us, and the apartment had white carpets and light walls, brown leather furniture, and a desk. I had walked out of a bedroom (which is when I entered the dream) and he was there smiling for me. I look awfully confused and didn't know where I was so I asked him if I could go home, he gave me a phone to call and when I dialed the number, I woke up.

So you see it is all so detailed. I often wonder if he is my guardian angel or a twin flame that I will soon meet in my life.

Or perhaps he is a spirit that has found me as comfort.

I have so many encounters with him. And I never fear him, well, except for that one instant when I actually FELT him touch me. But now since I think about it. Seven years ago, I remember falling asleep to someone holding me, and it was the most comforting feeling in the world. I believe it was him.

And don't worry, he has a good vibe. I know he isn't bad. I just don't understand anything and need help comprehending why he remains in my life, when I don't need him anymore? And what he is? And what does this make me?
Zin (guest)
11 years ago (2013-09-28)
Pardon the interruption
But I must say, well isn't it Lyro long time no see.
Lyro (468 posts)
11 years ago (2013-09-28)
Can you describe in any more detail what he looked like? And feel free to e-mail me if you'd like, I'd be happy to discuss this subject more.
max727272 (2 stories) (38 posts)
12 years ago (2013-09-28)
Sounds like he could be your guardian angel, since we all have one. They are supposed to protect us and help us in life. I think you just have a really close connection with yours. I'm not sure why, since you said you started seeing him seven years ago. Were you still spiritual then (meditation and such) or not? I'm guessing the man doesn't seem familiar at all to you, since you didn't say anything about that. Still, if it'd make you feel better, you can always pray to God and the Archangels for safety. Also, remember to trust yourself. I have been helped many times by the fact that I can see/feel auras. You can practice getting good or bad vibes just with other people too. Even though this does sound like a positive being; and he's hopefully only there to help. Hope this helped! Take care.

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