I've had some pychic experiences an one which I said I don't want my gift because they're negative and scary. When the guy I dated died and I should have been there for him. I could have prevented or I could have died with him and three other friends of his. I still have some ablility but it's weak I need to work on it. Any books to help me streaghten it please let me know. I usually sense things that can endanger my life. When I saw my reflection in the mirror with the guy I was dating crack and then crumble in front of me (he was showing me the house and he was showing me the bathroom) I freaked out and it I didn't know how, I did know that it meant something bad. A lose of something. About a month later he died in an accident. He asked me to go but it was him and him military buddy's. (boys need to talk around their friends so I told him to call me when he got hom) I never got that call. I got a call later asking me to turn to a tv news with the accident he and his frinds were in. I moved to a new state and started a new life and was successful. I need help resently I had a reading from a psychic and they told me that for the rest of my life is going to be hard financially and I will not be as successful since I moved to another state. That my life was going to be a stuggle. I did not get... "you can get through this, nor this is how you can change this". So I have a silly question. Can I change this or is it written in stone? How do I change it? I'm just stressed out about the negative---- I moved to be closer to family and yet being told I am going to struggle for the rest of my life does not sit well with me. What steps do I take. I know it's silly it's been concerning me for some time. Sorry to take your time I appreciate your help