It started 11 years 8 mths and 16 days, the mother of a friend, close
Friend of more the 50yrs, passed away 9/11/2001. My friend's mother came to me at night, four mths after her passing, to ask me if I wanted a psychic phenomenon? Telling me it was a secret, not to tell any one; it was during the twilight hours of morning, like 3am, I did say a word in response, I was held in dumb founded. Then without a warning a live personal friend, one I trusted, making statement that she willed herself to me and I was going to exchange places with her.
Every night from that time on this shadow has first taken my breathe knocked on my head board, attached herself to me by means of monitoring my every move, 24/7 and she is still in my core, vortex,
In my crown, in my mind constantly trying to change my thoughts, and wanting to find out where I get my thoughts, information from. This is horrifying, the attacks have caused bruises on my arms, the attacks
Also are to my veins, to my heart, she screams in my head, she won't
Stop, telling me she wants this and I can not prove anything, threats
Are real and cause for concern to me as my family at times hears
Me scream out loud to leave. Now what I do know is that she is evil
As long as she is in me she interrupts everyone who has tried to assist me in ridding my space of her. This energy is sucking my crown,
My heart my strength from my core of life, going on with this life of having her attack, attach me and my family during the day and all night, hearing her talk, drill my family is terrorism to me. There are many things I have done, I first got down and prostrated asking God to forgive me for any sins I committed toward anyone, I brought it all to God. Daily, I went for exorcism, to priest, spiritual directors, doctors, and psychics, and John of God for distant healing.
None have gotten rid of her, even my son has tried and gotten stuck in her constant drillings to keep taps on my life. That means that there is nothing I do that she doesn't watch. All day in my head, pounding, talking to everyone that I come in contact with. When I would call or write to someone for help she would call them by name talk to them before and convince them that she is my psychic guide.
I know that she is not me even tho she is me, I have a separate life
And I do need to work for income, I am currently 75 years old and the thought of having this evil living and sucking me until I die is more then I can conceive living with. The torture of hearing the screams from many others, the way she uses my family to keep me under her dome
Of hell is just too terrifying. It has been a experience from hell, with her a vampire, psychic lice, rape, constant pain. Terror at night, not able to rest, sleep, pray, without being badgered is something I live with and my only talk to God is please help this person before I die, I do not want her left in my life, home, or my family after I die. Please is there anyone who can help rid of a living lost soul? This is true so help me God.
Thru love, in love, with love, I say No harm is allowed to None. I place you in Love's arms, love's care, where no negative source is there. You will feel a release and the negative source cannot return. It is going to the light and dissolving. It is no longer able to communicate or cause pain in any way. It simply ceases to exist. Its power is removed.
There is no need to do anything special, all we all need is love.
Love to you,
Joni ❤ ❤ ❤