Every time I am alone I can feel the energy of the world, it is around me. And then when that happens, I see things that aren't there, like once I saw my cousin Sirna being slapped by her boyfriend, then I called her up the next day and she was going on and on about what a jerk her boyfriend was. And when I asked why, she said that he had slapped her the day before.
I was shocked and lately these things have been happening more and more, so I asked my friend If I could use her account to write this story, she said I could. I need advice that's all. I am afraid that I am going crazy. This has been happening more and more often I do not know why. I wake up to hear shouts of people asking me to help them. It scares me badly.
Can anyone tell me what's going on? Can anyone help me? If you can will you please. I would enjoy the help. So much there is that I need help with.
Just this morning I woke up to my name being screamed in my ear. And yesterday the day before that and the day before that. One day I woke up to hearing someone singing "The Shadows are Stalking", it is a song that I made at age six, except it changed parts like "the shadows that are stalking me" to "the shadows that are stalking you".
I mean I am most likely reading too much into this but it scares the hell out of me. I was reading up by the pool when suddenly I saw a tiger, I looked up but it was gone, I went home after that. But what does that mean? Will someone please tell me?