As a child I could see and speak to spirits but with no one to explain to me that they are not at all harmful and need our help I shut it down from complete terror. I have sense only retained my empathic side but it feels like I have a hole in me that can not be filled by anything.
I "KNOW" deep down inside that I am meant to help these lost spirits its not a guess I know this is what I'm meant to do. The only thing I don't know is how to get my gifts back my sight and hearing to communicate with them once again. I am in desperate need of help and guidance from anyone that can. I know this was brief but I feel I need help soon I don't know why but that is how I am feeling. I can feel them around me and their emotions but that's as far as I get and sometimes their emotions effect my own.
I feel lost and have tried almost everything. I have tried meditation and all these other programs out there and all it has accomplished is a loss of money and more grief. This has effected my concentration all throughout school and even now with my job fiance and her two kids.
One of her kids are gifted as well and he is feeling very terrified like I did at his age and it hurts me deeply not to be able to help him like I should. He is also showing the same signs I did acting out no concentration and anger. I don't know what to do or say or how to help him if I can't even help myself PLEASE HELP! Thank you very much for taking the time to read this, and I hope someone has gone through the same and can guide me through this because it has effected my entire life; causing me to not be the best man I know I can be for my family and my self.