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Psychic Tests

The following are psychic tests and games designed to measure your degree of psychic abilities (or spiritual gifts) or to be used as tools to develop your psychic talents. However, these tests will not provide you the ultimate answer about whether if you're psychic or not, so please, don't send us emails about the results, since some are rather subjective.

If you're psychic (more than your average person, that is), you should know it. These are for entertainment purposes, not to be taken so seriously. They may help you confirm what you already know, but real life is the only real test. No reproduction of any part without permission.

Online Tarot Reading

Online Tarot ReadingTarot cards are a highly symbolic deck of cards consisting of 22 Major Arcana cards, and 56 Minor Arcana cards. Arcana means secrets or mysteries, which is why the ability to decipher the symbols is half the gift of the translator.

Zener Cards

Zener Cards Zener Cards were used by the famous parapsychologist J.B. Rhine in his studies of ESP and have now become the standard for such extra sensorial tests. There are some variations of the Zener cards test, some are using a closed deck of cards (5 groups of each 5 cards) or open deck (each cards are randomly selected from a deck shuffled at each turns). The following test is an open deck, since a card is randomly generated from a shuffled deck every time.

Remote Viewing with a Picture

Remote Viewing Test with a Picture Remote viewing differentiates itself from other psychic abilities in that it follows a set of protocols. Remote viewing was originally termed by parties associated with labs and universities and they wanted a controlled environment using strict protocols and procedures. They wanted it to take this ability from back alley psychic shops to procedural processes in controlled conditions. One example is that remote viewing uses a blind "target" or items to psychically view.

Telekinesis Test

Telekinesis Test This is a simple telekinesis test inspired by coin tossing contests, it consists of an algorithm that will randomly generate zeroes and ones, instead of heads or tails. Mathematical laws dictate that over a certain period of time, the average between the number of 0s and 1s should be 50% / 50%, and the longer the time period, the closer the results should be to this figure. If someone tried to telekinetically influence the outcome of those coin flippings, we could possibly calculate his telekinesis ability by observing how far the results are from the statistical average.

Guess the Word Quizz

Guess the Word Quizz The following psychic test is not based on any scientific or academic research but it can help determine if you have some talents towards remote viewing (or simply guessing) a word rather than a picture, as some people may have greater literal talent than visual. We added it mostly for fun.

Guess the Random Number

Guess the Random Number The following psychic test is not based on any scientific or academic research either but it can help determine if you have some ESP talents towards guessing a number. The number is between 0 and 9. Like in quizz shows or puzzles, the number is displayed by an asterisk. As in the Zener Cards test, the higher the number of sessions, the more meaningful the total score is.

ESP Test

ESP Test Some people know things before they are going to happen. They can sense who is on the phone, what someone will say, or some of their dreams will come true. These people are known as psychics. We all have some extra sensory ability and this test will let you know how much ESP you possess!

Sensitivity Test

Sensitivity Test This test is just to see where you are at, in terms of how sensitive you are to subtle perceptions and energy. People with a high level of sensitivity are usually natural psychics because that's what being psychic is all about: the ability to pick up subtle information not normally detectible by the other five senses. This "information" is all around us. It's just a matter of who in sensitive enough to pick it up. This is similar to low level sound frequencies that humans can't hear, but dogs and other animals can pick up perfectly. There are of course exceptions. Natural psychics do exist who possess open feelers that have done little to no work to develop them and were just born that way.

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