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Losing Touch With A Spiritual Sense


To preface information, I've had a spiritual sense since I was younger. I'm unsure of the common name but it is essential Energy Seeing, from what I've gathered it's a less detailed form of aura seeing, I see thin colourless outlines around people that vary in depth by person, I occasionally see it around objects, plants and animals however this isn't common. My earliest memory of it was when I was 7 I noticed it around a teacher of mine and started noticing it more and more in my day to day life.

So as the title says I began losing touch with this form of sight progressively following and incident in 2021, where after a stressful day I began to meditate, I never usually meditated I just felt like it could help me relax. As I was meditating I completely lost track of time and then I heard the voice of an old man full of vitality, if that makes sense, trying to convince me to hand over my body. I had denied his request but then felt a sharp pull in my chest as It felt like what I can only describe as something trying to push me out of my own body. I had resisted this sensation and stopped meditating feeling extremely drained/fatigued.

Since then I've progressively lost my ability to see this energy around people, I noticed it because the person I knew at the time to have the thickest and most dense energy I could see was a lot less noticeable, and around some people I just couldn't see it. Now this was getting progressively worse until around February this year where I could still see it around very few people and even fewer objects, plants and animals. Since then I haven't experienced any change in the sight however I would like to return to that state pre-encounter if possible. I'd also like to know if anyone has an idea on what that entity could have been.

Thanks for taking the time to read this,

- Vacuata

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ufw57 (36 posts)
7 days ago (2024-04-26)
[at] Subject11

Yea I have heard of mind control or brain wave stimulation that used to exist in the 80s.

Mainly in U.S.A. But other industrialized countries as well. And it was used mainly to control population growth. Terrorism. Identity theft. When the country needs tourists. Or when uplifting the government's finances or resources.

Many people lost hope for the future especially black people or tribe natives... Who were left to suffer while the country grows rich over a very short period of time. And in some strange cases,... Even asians because of our language barrier.

In U.S.A for instance... According to the OmegaFiles; The government body that ruled the military used to have machines in secret underground military bases and cities that are highly evolved, even compared to this date (2024). That used to throw/pull homeless people inside the water or ocean, sea, leading to instant death. Thus reducing population growth & boosting tourist attraction.

The most common method was Hypnosis. Which would eventually lead to death/premature~accidents or some Tragic Mental Disorders and Panic Attacks/PTSD's etc.
Subject11 (8 posts)
1 week ago (2024-04-25)
One day I will tell my story here. My mother read me the bible since I was born in 1975. I started ready mythology and (medieval) poetry in 1987 at twelve. Then at 16 in 1991 I got into music, also movies, and a lot themes through all these genres had an over laying story of the human spirit that fit a pattern and way of manipulating people.

I don't want to tell my story, fully, because its a path of understanding words and metaphors at a level that other people can use to control people through cultist brainwash (covert hypnotism). I don't want to hand out the blueprint for it.

Lets just say this, if you can understand and this isn't too dangerous if you don't know the rest... In language when someone talks they can take you through different states of mind through metaphors... Here are examples.

The land, earth, soil, dirt is our consciousness, our awareness. It represents our bonds to earth and here, now, this, awake, the sun, shallow thought in the now, time, I am...

The ocean is the water, the sea, its deep thought, away, the moon, there, then, our subconscious, we are unaware sleeping, could be, and dreaming.

The shore, the beach, the sand, is here and there, now and then, then and there, awake and sleeping, the eclipse, day dreaming. Trying to become.

Understanding language and the use of metaphors allows different states of mind to be triggered by covert hypnosis to conjure, curse, cast, channel, realities.

Im borderline saying to much.
Subject11 (8 posts)
1 week ago (2024-04-25)
For sure it's gone. Thats why Colorado just passed a law protecting brainwaves. Humans have been imitating the spirit with technology. Now corporations are filing patents about advertising to people while they are sleeping.

I rarely talk about it, but I have experienced, personally, the evolution of technology. At first scientists were experimenting with dreams and shock therapy to deter behaviors.

But that tends to be easily remembered in waking states and creates anger, resentment, torture, and a rebellious outcome to defy the message.

So a soft dream was created that a group of people come and tell you that how you act is wrong. Or that you are lost and searching for love ones that abandon you because of personalities. They toned it done so you would wake and remember less and not be defiant of the message. That's technology.

You haven't had privacy in your mind since the late 80s in your mind.
ufw57 (36 posts)
3 weeks ago (2024-04-10)
[at] Subject11


That's not what I meant.
What I meant is that the safe state (Privacy) that once existed in our mind or brain is gone... Or hard to manifest/find alone.

What it does is it usually blocks away tormented dreams/demonic dream states, evil/satanic visions or location of 'Bad' entities/spirits near a psychics body or location.

I call it a Dark Space/Place to think about life problems.

When alone, finding it hard to sleep, working through stressful situations or like, let's say you have a noisy family... Without that space/place located inside the brain or mind etc. You can't concentrate or do anything right or steady. That goes for meditation as well.

It's location is at the basal forebrain, near the front and bottom of the brain, also promotes sleep and wakefulness. That's what I say is missing this days.
ufw57 (36 posts)
3 weeks ago (2024-04-10)


That's not what I meant.
What I meant is that the safe state (Privacy) that once existed in our mind or brain is gone... Or hard to manifest/find alone.

What it does is it usually blocks away tormented dreams/demonic dream states, evil/satanic visions or location of 'Bad' entities/spirits near a psychics body or location.

I call it a Dark Space/Place to think about life problems.

When alone, finding it hard to sleep, working through stressful situations or like, let's say you have a noisy family... Without that space/place located inside the brain or mind etc. You can't concentrate or do anything right or steady. That goes for meditation as well.

It's location is at the basal forebrain, near the front and bottom of the brain, also promotes sleep and wakefulness. That's what I say is missing this days.
Subject11 (8 posts)
2 months ago (2024-03-07)
Well considering that this site teaching you to go with the wind into out of body expiences. Which I wouldn't suggest.

Darkness the shadows feeds on personal energies. If you are strong willed the darkness will bring up dreams for you about your strong will and try to spin it out like a food for the darkness.

If you're having trouble remembering the darkness is feedings on who you are. As in your essence. Wake up. Stop chasing darkness. That's the allure, that you want to feel the deeper different realities of this life but you are losing yourself as it feeds from you.
ufw57 (36 posts)
3 months ago (2024-02-10)
Even me I have the same issue... Loosing touch with my spiritual/psychic sense or senses.

What I mean is totaly different from what some of us read or share on this site.

It's like the place we had as children is gone! Like something big or a tresure that's only being given to 'Adults' is waiting for us.

There is a lot of noise-pollution, anxiety (getting scared over everything).

It's like the Dark Place in our minds has gone forever. I don't know, but all I see this days when finding it difficult to sleep or a heavy head ache fuller pain and grief hit me is Shadow People...😂I know right.

After all this years🤣I can't even sleep meehn! And the common ones [Voices], speak very badly this days😆. Don't believe me? Try mimicking the lips. Hahaha, I can't drink tea.

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