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Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-12)
Why not just make things simpler here, hold your tongue about what you are, and use this site to give advice about what is needed by the people. Angels and demons may fight, but we don't need to fight about that here and now, wait until we are upon the battlefield... So to speak.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-12)
At Baal

I know what you mean... Yeah I do. I don't think I have much in that area as well. Some are skilled but if they can say to much about the angels and demons it is annoying as well.
Lasker2 (5 stories) (89 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-12)

No, not reiki, I'm speaking of a different method.

Americans know of reiki as energy balancing with the hands.

This isn't even necessary if the healer knows how to heal using universal energy.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-12)
[at] Kahlyn

I know their purpose. I only hope that most of them choose a side that I like.

Healer abilites is great though I wish I had some. But I dont, I mean I can get some but it will be a ugly site.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-12)
At Eric

Healers do have there place in the grand schemes of things... Very few of them can manipulate the energy in the human body. LOL
OliviaWaterIce (2 stories) (38 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-12)
Thank you! Its just hard for me to understand the world when you are gifted with such great power and doesn't now how to use it quite as well. But thabk you for emailing me that really helps because I would like to leaen more!:D:):P
AustinLJohnson (56 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-12)
I emailed you, but I forgot to mention that when I was younger, about six I could sense vibes from people, kind of like emotions. And one time it was bad, real bad. I still get vibes but its not as severe. And if you were wondering about my abilities, i"m an aerokinetic, atomokinetic, sensing vibes, Reverse Demonic Possession (taking control of demons), and immortality. As for the immortality I have not tested it but I have many dreams about it. God, I'm long winded. I guess i"ll talk later I have more to tell, but that's if you want to listen. That went longer than I expected, but if any of it helps I'm happy. Only here to help and learn Storm
OliviaWaterIce (2 stories) (38 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-11)
Yes of course I have tried to control elements but I'm still wondering what my natural affinity ability is!. And lately I have been having dreams about me control the elements and I think I'm an elementalist or something not quite sure. I also have a spirit guide hes always in ny dreams and visions watching over me but I have this feeling that I don't belong in the motral realum and I feel stressed lately because I have an abilitly that I can feel other peoples emotions and my life if DRAMATIC! And the presents of different emotions that run threw me is a total drag! Thats all I have to say now but if you have any more queations about ANYTHING!:) just e-mail me at: olivia.hand [at]

Thank you everyone!
AustinLJohnson (56 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-11)
i am new to this site and have yet to post my story, but I have had an aray of different "abilities". My main one is aerokinesis followed by atmokinesis they are in a class of abilities called "Elementals". The way I found out about most of my abilities is through dreams. So I was wondering if you have tried to contol the elements.

Also I have another explanation for your healing abilities. Like water the human body is composed almost completely of air. Aerokinesis is the control of air and its particles. So I think you have used aerokinesis to convert air particles to, for lack of a beter word, flesh. I have done this a couple times in the past, but it wasn't a cut or anything. Just a bruised bone. So hope this helps, and I'll have my story up as soon as the site permits it. Until then peace out
WanderingWayne (4 stories) (107 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-09)
The universal energy that lasker2 is talking about must be Reiki. Reiki is two Japanese words. Rei means universal and Ki means energy although I think there are other similar interpretations. If you think you have the ability to heal reading about Reiki might appeal to you. Reiki is real. It is channeling universal energy to help heal. Personal benefits come with it also.
Rain (4 stories) (191 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-09)
Lasker2 is right. I do something similar when it rains. Although the energy still ends up gonig through me...
OliviaWaterIce (2 stories) (38 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-09)
Hello Ethan! Sure ill e-mail you as soon as possible my e-mail is olivia.hand [at]
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-09)
Wooot I love healers. Just have to say this when the day comes for everything to happen. There is going to be a lot of snacks for me to choose from.

Exnal de on Hume.
ekwail23 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-09)
hello! My name is Ethan and I am turning 14 this month. PLEASE email me or request me on facebook or something because I feel like we need to talk... Eweidenfeld23 [at] on email... Please:D
Lasker2 (5 stories) (89 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-08)

Did you know that you can heal without using your own energy?

There's a guy in China that can treat 10, 000 people at once.

The method is to use universal energy by imagining the healing process happen with energy from the environment, and not your own energy.

This is a much more effective technique, as it works over great distances and you don't get drained as a result.
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-08)
OliviaWaterIce this is how I heal. I think of my energy flowing into my friend's wound. Next I visualize it is healing. You have to visulize the patients wound being healed. After your done ask your partner how they feel. When I heal my friend she said it is warm and tingly. It takes a lot out of me though because I am a psychic vampire. So after I am done my face is pale and my eyes are almost black with hunger. I go to a tree and take someof the tree's energy. Doesn't satisfy me but hey it's energy. I need it. Also my friends think I am scary and intresting. I just have to take control and not take their energy. It is very hard to resist but I do. I sometimes wish I was a bit more normal but that will never ever hapen. 😳 😁 😊
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-04)
If the elements can be phrase as space and time I was able manifest this by controlling the rate of coin drops in a slot. It was fun to do this but the simple thing of slowing down and speeding time was so easily.

I found the Wiccan belief made more sense because it adds the power of spirit. This world is strange to me and I needs the correaltion points to understand
OliviaWaterIce (2 stories) (38 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-03)
Thank You for the comment HaVeN very very much! 😁 😁 It would be an honor to train with you... REALLY!

Hope we can work really well together (witch we will!:D) ttyl lol <3
skywire4929 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-06-03)
Healing is not from anyone, its from your power to unlock that person's own healing power. I thought at first that I could heal people but now I see that I unlock that ability to heal themselves.
OliviaWaterIce (2 stories) (38 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-02)
Hi everyone I just wanted to say thank you for yours thoughts and answers!:) I'm glad thiers people in thus world who has experianced simliar to me!<3<3 love you EVERYONE!:D and HaVeN! I would be honored for you to teach me more! And as for everyone else! I'm really greateful for your surrport... And if you guys have more thoughts, answers or you want to tell me something privatly about ANYTHING!:) just e-mail ma at: olivia.hand [at]

Love You All! I shall use my gifts for light, helping others and hopefully change our sufferings into GREATFUL happyness, love and LIGHT!
silentdeath (4 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-31)
the young man must be someone close spiritually. As for the healing, don't worry, I've had the same experience, I used heal people with water when I was 6. I remember healing my friend who had hemofilia, I think I poured water over her leg and the wound was gone within a second. As I grew up, I noticed how I can make it rain or hail. I've also figured out that I have the affinity for wind, fire and earth, (along with water) and sometimes spirit. I've also had out of body experiences like I can feel my soul come out of my body. What interests me most is the boy, It seems it's similar to mine, I have had a dream where I got to this hallway which (in the dream) is my house, and there's four doors that are closed and I know that each door takes you somewhere different, but I always go o the last one, and in the last one, there's a man waiting for me, but I never see his face. So don't worry, I don't know if you can see the boy clearly, but in my dream, the man's face is always in shadow.
And you healing powers can be stretched to a certain limit, but you should practice and see what the shape or feeling your power is so you are more familiar to it. And always keep a clear mind, because sometimes negative feelings may transfer negative energy, and break the connection when you try to use your abilities.
Sunspotter (6 stories) (109 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
Very interesting indeed. You must be very strong in these ways. I can control the weather but not so much water other than rain. I can try to help you the best I can, but others are probably better, sorry.
Ouroboros (1 stories) (29 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
Furthermore, regarding witches and wizards:

Witches are followers of the Wiccan religion. The term "witch" is androgynous. That's it. Whether magik exists is a whole different debate.

As for wizards and warlocks, you won't really find many legitimate reference to these words outside of fantasy stories. They have nothing to do with Wicca, and hence witches.
Ouroboros (1 stories) (29 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
Lasker, I've seen you make references to comic books, Final Fantasy, Naruto, and now... Harry Potter?

I's just... That is to say I...

No, no words can convey my feelings on this, but most people can probably figure out the jist of it.
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
Taffyinky > I think this is a marvelous question now you got me wondering. Maybe they can focus the power of positive intention.
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
hey does anyone know if a person that controls water can separate water from oil? There's been a recent pipe burst in the Gulf of Mexico...
Lasker2 (5 stories) (89 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
In real life the Witches and Warlocks group exists, though membership into their organization usually only occurs under certain situations.

Before that you're still capable of choosing whatever path you choose.

As was written below, some people have a soul-matrix from a different planet. When this soul matrix enters the human body, it alters it and produces what we sometimes consider "magic."

It seems that people like us were born with a high concentration of the energy type which gives us our powers, and others (muggles) can connect to the source and learn to use these abilities. Thus it seems as if humans were engineered with idea of eventually using supernatural traits.
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
The witch/wizard thing. I've always believed in that sort of stuff and I have a few wicca friends and have done some stuff myself (not sure if it worked)
As far as an actual race of sorta like more advanced humans, I don't know what to tell you. Sure, they could be real, but the point is that they don't tell anyone, do they?
I think you could be and old spirit, as in, your soul has been around for a long time, maybe one where magic and stuff was accepted.
I was also reading this thing called a "starseed" Starseeds are basically souls from another planet or universe. Maybe whatever the species was there carried over to your current life.
For a bit more info, read my post "Indigo Child and Spirit Guides"
You're only 14 (im only 13) and the fact that you can heal like that and can glow colors is a sign of great power.
Good luck to you and stay in the Light

Blessed be
Lolli ❤
revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
well, you might have the ability to physically heal others. But your dreaming doesn't seem to be related.

Filled with energy for me means the full moon is near (I can always tell) so that isn't always involved with your dream.

As for you being the guardian of nature or a wizardess, I hope you are if you are sensitive to nature and think of plants and all things in nature as human beings.

Love and light...always
HaVeN (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
I have the ability to control the elements. I can control water,wind,and fire. I also am a great healer. Also loved the story. If you want I can heal teach you to heal better. Just coment on my coment and I'll tell you how. Healing is a great ability. Click my name and you can find out more about my abilities.=)
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
The young man who saved you must be your guardian angel. Also, you must be the element of Water. The element of Water has the natural ability to heal wounds be them physical or mental. Congratualations and welcome fellow elemental. I am also an elemental. Me and two of my friends can control elements. Controlling an element makes you an elemental. So you are one of us. If you are having difficulty processing this or have any questions about it, you can email me at SilverWindHawk [at]! I am always honored to help a fellow elemental in need of guidance. 😁
taffyinky (4 stories) (108 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
heres a website about dreams but you never know what could be the actual truth. Keep an open mind.


Sorry I wasn't much help.
Rilan (1 stories) (103 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
The young man must be your spirit guide. Spirit guides are like guardian angels, or teachers. Everybody has at least one. They can appear as humans or animals, and some have a human form and an animal form.

You obviously have healing abilities, which are rare even for people like us. To see how they work and see if they work on anybody, you might want to volunteer at a hospital and experiment... 😊 You may have actual element control abilities. You should try doing it in real life. Just move your hands around, concentrate, and go with your intuition on what to do. I control wind, but not very well.

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