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Comments for Element Control: Page 2

Return to the psychic experience Element Control

revsilverson (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-28)
sounds like you got a whole bunch of fantasy going on there. Stuff in books will influence your paranormal experience. Sounds more like coincidence to me although I have the ability to influence (or predict) the weather. I have made rain go away, snow come, snow go, hurricanes stall or make a sunny day when the forecast is for gloom. Keep a notebook of your attempts and soon you will know if you are indeed influencing the weather or predicting it but making yourself capable of something you read in a book is imagination and nothing more.

Love and light...always
simonshx (4 stories) (21 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
Awesome! I live in California, and it was really sunny. I prayed for it to rain, and it did a minute later. This has happened before, but not all the time. Am I an elemental too? I love this website and all the people on it.
MidnightBlueSwan (8 stories) (134 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
Welcome to the club, my username is MidnightBlueSwan. You are an elemental, which is a person with the special ability to control an element. I think yours is the element of Storm. Congratulations! Me and two of my friends are elementals too. If you need any information on elementals I would be very glad to help you as a fellow elemental! My email is SilverWindHawk [at]! You can contact me anytime you want and I will help you with all of your questions concerning about elementals! 😁
ghostgirl3512 (6 stories) (298 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-27)
That is so awsome!
I can control fire, but only a little bit.
It is possible that you're friend was a stag in a past life or just has some sort of ability for them. 😕

Blessed be
Lolli ❤

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