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AmandaASJ (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-17)
HI Psychicgirl18 your not crazy. A lot of people on this website feel the same way as you, we are all ment to be on this websit for a readson. So don't call your Crazy because your not.:)
Psychicgirl18 (3 stories) (69 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-17)
I know exactly what your all talking about.

Your talking about the change, the one that will change everything for the entire wourld.

I have sensed it ever since I was 8 years old.

I mean, I knew something big was coming in in the future, but I didn't know what.

Now, as the time grows closer, the feeling gets stronger and stronger everyday.

I know I sound crazy, but I don't know why I feel this way either, I just know I'm suppose to help people like us who have or are developing Psychic abilities.

I'm sorry If this sounds crazy, but I felt that I needed to tell you all what I've ben feeling.
crazy_girl (1 stories) (10 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
Whenever I look at the clock, it has something to do with 11:11 or 1:11 and sometimes 4:11. Like you said "their abilities will get stronger" or something similar, my abilities have gotten weaker especially me communitcating with spirits. The only ability that has gotten stronger is controlling the weather. Yesterday I had the worse day at school, and it was freezing cold and drizzling. My mood was anger/sadness. Normally I expect my mood to go along with the weather and it's been stronger for the past few months. I suppose when you say "abitilies are getting stronger" is true. I've even had nightmares of war or famine. Anyway what you're saying is true, at least for me. Oh and I'm not crazy, as in my username, it's just a song that I like.
Rindelanoche (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
Ok this is weird because I lately I have been imagining what you have said, this is weird because it was just in my imagination, like a fantasy that I usualy have when I am bored. It was about a war, and some people's powers will increase. Sorry I don't write more about this, because I think the details of the "fantasy I had " are not that important. 😕
stephaniemarta (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
About 10 years ago I started seeing the number 11:11. This happened the first time as I was leaving the house of a woman I was caring for. She passed away 3 days later. Without going into a lengthy story I will tell you that this has happened to me 4 times.
My mother passed away 9 years ago. She came to me in dreams for the first time since her death 3 months ago. She did not say anything, she was just present.
Now I have been seeing 11:11 frequently. More than I ever have. Six weeks ago my husband under went a biopsy on a pancreatic cyst that was discovered by accident during a routine ct scan. We are not getting definitive answers from the Physicians, so we wait.
In the meantime I continue to see the following numbers 11:11, About 3 to 5 times a week, One time 1:11 and one other time 4:44. I have read that same numbers like this have messages. Can someone please advise me as to the meaning of this?
Thank you so much. My apologies for being so lengthy
AmandaASJ (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
I have look up the 11:11 I found out strang things but am going with angel or my spirit guid is trying to tell me somthing. Also when I looked 2-21-2012 Planetary Alignment and I was reading it Then I looked at my clock and it was 1:11 so that means am on the right track.
yval711 (5 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
I see 11:11 a lot too. I heard from someone about something called angel numbers. It's said that when you see certain numbers over and over again, it's an angel trying to send you a message. You should look it up, I found it very helpful.
As for the war, I do feel like something big is coming. I'm not sure what's going to happen or when, but I get the feeling that it's going to be big. I've been having strange dreams lately that seem very real and like I'm in a different world being prepared for something.
PatrixieKuchiki (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
War?As in the 2012 Doomsday they're talking about?That's interesting, can you elaborate more of the visions and feelings you have connected with it...?
If you won't mind. 😳
I also see 11:11 or any other number with 11 when I look at the time. Does that mean us Lightworkers have a role to play in this "war"?
IDK,but I think we should leave it up to God...

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