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Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
Sesshomaru and Chetyre

You both have very valid points. Scientific explainations cannot explain everything and yet spiritual experiences can be some what confusing also.

I guess it all comes down to what a person experience. Not everyone experiences are the same.

😉 😉 😆
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
To chetyre: I only put a supernatural concept and if you or any other person is not ready to accept then atmost I can only post some more aspects of that particular concept and still people are not accepting it because of some of thier reasons then it is none of my concern because my real aim behind posting this concept was to help the author of the story
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
That is great! I'm sure those weather patterns will clear up soon. 😉
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
I am great. Just a little concerned still over the weather patterns in Trinidad. But all in all, everything is ok 😁
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
Oops. 😜 Oh you know. It has been okay for the most part. Some things have been... Less pleasant than others, but I'm surviving. And you? 😁
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)

😆 😆
You let the cat out of the bag 😆
How has it been?
Chetyre (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
To Sesshomaru:

Please do not be so crass as to tell me that I should not ask for proof. If I doubt a claim then I am well within my rights to question its validity. I refuse to accept something if it has no basis in reality.

If the human body can produce a physical wing, as you claim, then the markers should be present in the DNA yet there has been no human skeleton that has shown the existence of such an appendage...EVER.

If something exists physically then it should not be so hard to prove it.

I am done with this issue.
WaywardElementalist (2 stories) (90 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
Hmmmm...I just realized who you referring to. Heh, small world.
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
It is your kind heartedness that you are allowing us to continue our discussion on your story page, I don't want that our discussion is taken by anyone in an offensive way. I have answer chetyr, now any of the two can post to continue...
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
Sesshomaru and Chetyre

You two can discuss whatever you want on this page.

I am interested in reading this theory of Sesshomaru 😐
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
To Chetyre: You should not ask for scientific evidence for a supernatural concept, it is true that there is no solid proof of a human being possessing wing (s) but it is also true that there is no proof of the fact that on earth nobody is possessing wing (s), scientific theories are keep on changing with new discoveries and invention, you know this very well too. Let me tell you one true and proved story, somewhere in tibet or in Himalayans there exist a monk who is having a physical third eye on his forehead! I think we shouldn't spoil someone's story page by our personal discussion so you can mail me here, xyokai [at]
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
I am skeptical because this info is new to me. Not all humans have 'a wing'
Chetyre (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
[at] Sesshomaru:

Not all of us are aware of this piece of information you just posted.

As for the bit about humans being able to produce a physical wing... Is there scientific evidence for this?

I am not trying to be snarky but I do find it hard to swallow but as Rashidah said... I too will investigate this site you posted.

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-29)
Thank you so much for your clarification. I will visit the site.
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
As we all know that human beings are actually one winged angels and all humans have forotten the use of their single wing, that is why none of us have our one wing. A human can produce a single wing physically and cosmically on his body if he realized the presence of his wing and he channeled required energy into the wing and along with this he must use biokinesis and quantokinesis to produce it. The term "Angel wing protection" have no bussiness with this concep,. Angel wing protection is actually a type of meditation through which we can strengthen the angelic part of our soul and the energy of love and care protect us from the bad spirits and demons. Visit this site for the procedure of this meditation,
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
I do not think he meant literal angel wings... I think. Hopefully he clarifies that statement soon.
bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
I'm not sure if he means this, but for me, since I'm an angel [Gonna write my roof and experience tomorrow] when I focus on my wings, any demon or so that's attacking me normally gets blown away.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
I thank you for your input.

But can you go into what are Angel Wings Protection? I am not familiar with that term.
Sesshomaru (32 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
All demons and bad spirits have enough energy that even kill a human being with just one blow but their energy is low dimensional energy thus to gain some pure enrgy they pursue human with high energy only to steal energy from them so that they can make their influence in higher dimensions, so whenever you do meditation that time use white light protection, angel wing protection or contact to your guardian angel
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
You experienced psychic abuse. That will greatly drain your physical body especially when the people do not know what they are doing.

I read about someone who actually miscarriaged because some church members thought that she was possessed.

Please be caregul. You have to look for someone experienced in this field.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-28)
I don't plan on it. It was somewhat painful and I felt some horrible rage while they were doing this. Afterward, things escalated as far as being attacked, horrible nightmares, and I felt I was going completely insane.

Thnx, for the advice. I've used sage in the past. Perhaps, I should use it again.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
I use to have pets, but they were such a mess.

I am not familiar with the ring though. But I will ask my dad since he is muslim. He is not a shia, so he might not know.
Shiro (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
Hello Rashidah~

I think you already know my stand on this - it was just another evil Jinn up to no good. And I recommend the same thing I have in the past - try to keep pets in your home.

Another thing that I haven't mentioned which could also help a little - most Shia Muslims wear rings bearing red Carnelian (we call them "aqeeq") - carnelian removes sadness/anger/negativity from the heart and replenishes it with positive feelings.

Hope this helps~
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
The herb sage is one of the best used for these purposes.

People have to gat a calling to cast out demons. Not anyone is anointed to do that stuff. People feel that when they become christians they can automatically cast out demons. That is sadly false. They actually make the situation worse by aggravating them. Demons, most of the times, are spirits of the departed that need to cross over. If someone just merely cast out a demon, where does it go? It just wonders around again and comes back for its victim.

They reason why they said that you weren't ready is because they were doing shiat. And realized that they cannot cast it out. 😐
I will advise not to allow that woman to 'try' to exorcise you.

Oh you have a son. I understand now. Kids have a tendency to zap the energy out of you 😊

I have a friend who is also into druidism. I find that is awesome.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
Well, to be fair I may have used the word friend a little too loosely. He was more of an acquaintance. His roommate was actually more of the friend. However, I never mentioned this spirit to either one of them. They were both fairly sensitive to energy especially the one that was attacked. To be honest, though, I wouldn't personally had acted the way he did but, I can understand why he did so.

As for cleansing...well, I was raised pentecostal. So, I've had people in my face trying to cast demons out of me since I can remember. As I got older I tried smudging with various herbs and plants.
I met this lady in my early 20's that had some Catholic beliefs and she actually got some people from a ministry that started to perform an exorcism on me. I personally can't say for sure because I couldn't see my face, but I was told that my eyes turned completely black. For the record my eyes are typically light to medium blue. I know during this process I felt very angry. Then for whatever reason they just stopped and told me that I wasn't ready...I'm all like well, why did you even start it then? I don't know I've tried various things, but really, I have no set religious beliefs. I don't know if that could be playing a factor in it.

However, I suppose if I were to label myself, Druidism would probably come closest to my spiritual path.

I think I'm jumping around a bit in the conversation. You'll have to excuse me. My son has been keeping me up a lot lately. And I have a tendency to ramble when I'm tired.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-27)
Have you considered doing a cleansing ritual to get rid of that unhealthy attachment? And by the way, real friends would not stop each other from visiting their homes. That boy is not a friend.

You are right. There are lots of beings out there that are older than us by EONS!

Luciferianism does incorporate chaos magic. As a matter of fact, there are a lot of disciplines out there that incorporate chaos magic and other magical arts.
Mel33 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-26)
You know a friend of mine was attacked by the thing that is attached to me. I had never mentioned this being to him, but the next day he told me what happened and described the demon to me. He never let me come back to his home again. I had a couple of other friends describe seeing the same thing. Though, they weren't attacked, just scared out of their minds. I did not send anything to these people. Plus, I would never send anything to harm anyone anyway. I'm not sure why it's latched onto me. I would say maybe I pissed someone off, but as a child? Maybe generational? Anyway, maybe it wasn't sent after you. Maybe you just talked to someone that had something attached to them.
As for a demon of sickness, I believe in all demons, gods/goddesses, etc. From every religion, folklore, and whatnot. If someone out there believes it, then it's real. Especially, if enough people truly believe and especially with large masses of people.
Now, I'm not saying we've created every nonhuman entity with our energy. I definitely believe there are things much older than we are out there.
Anyway, doesn't Luciferism and Chaos Magick go hand in hand? Basically, the way I understand chaos magick is that absolutely anything is possible if you truly believe and have the Will to do so. Please, correct me if I'm wrong.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
That is a great idea. It could be an incoming epidemic around my area because I still have the residual energy there. I pray to God that you are wrong because Trinidad is not too far away from Haiti.
NaturalScience (229 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-22)
You get much confronted with the powers that are inimical to (mortal) life these days. Perhaps this calls you to a task in everyday life (a shaman and herb-medical profession?). You mailed me you saw corpses in dream some days ago. Now you see an entity that causes death, by decay of flesh - a "disease demon".
A power of some epidemic, I suppose.
It tended to make you vomit. And it showed you decaying flesh. Suppose the disease with which the spirit is in connection is some sort of septicemia. Blood poisoning that kills people. Something like anthrax, the bacteria of which are probably still stored in weapon stores for war. Or plague itself which is a bacterial septicemia too.
In Haiti Cholera has broken out but this disease is different in symptoms from what you saw.
If you should have known from your guide of any connection to future danger of epidemic in your country or nearby, or if you have had such a feeling about the appearance yourself, it would be a duty to let persons of the region know who take dream and meditation messages for serious and have some popular-medical connection - the voodoo men you know come to my mind here.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)

Please do background checks on the people you chat to online with. I urge you ALL to take this advice seriously as a concerned adult.

Thank you 😐
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)
Matrix-I like that name though 😊

The demon was like an outline, you know it did not have a solid looking appearance. But the outline of it was white and it looked distorted. But the eyes were very clearly seen; it was red. The demon itself was very tall.
It also had elongated nails.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)
Thanks Doublemint I will do that. I have always read about the cleansing properties of sage.
Your theory makes sense that that the person may have some trouble and it may have manifested into a demonic presence. Like a sort of transference of energy.
Matrix_Wolf_Spirit (2 stories) (60 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)
Rashidah. Could I know more on the demon's appearance or so? If I'm thinking correct I might now what it is or I wont. I seen many demons a wrote down what they looked like and what they are so if we knew more on appearance it might fit on one of the things I could of seen. You know my e-mail rashi.
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
This was a psychic attack a show of force from a controlling spirit coming through someone who is having problems. I would creat protection field around self make sure other person does the same thing. Burn some White sage to clear out residual energy you want to make sure you don't leave this one a calling card to make a return trip back. Black Tourmaline works well for protection against negativity and unwanted influences. Hematite works well for grounding and spiritual protection.

Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
I was not summoning. And I will never summon a demon. Sometimes it is important to protect yourself during meditation because we might encounter all kinds of beings.

During meditation, our senses are quite open to anything.
BlueButterfly (2 stories) (26 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
This is very odd as meditating is very safe and can't really summon anything unless that is your intention.

Demons usually won't appear unless you know that you are summoning them, or if it already resides in the house then meditating would just allow you to see it or be open to it.

Maybe you were having some sort of vision, just try to decipher what it could mean.

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