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Comments for Almost Suffocated: Page 1

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Keenan (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Thanks:) Please try and hurry for me. I don't mean to push but the ghost was in my bed next to me, you know? He tried to either kill me or just scare the f#!k out of me. If you see this man again, tell him to show himself to me. I should at least know the face of the man who tried to suffocate me in my own bed.
Keenan (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Lauren, I am going over in my head any man that I may have known that fits that desciption but I don't know who he is. Sweety, it doesn't matter that you're 16. You onviously have a unique and special gift. Can you give me any further details, like an eye colour, describe his height, build, face. This has me curious and anxious to find out more.

Don't want to sound like a
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
i don't know who he is I only saw him behind me. He was cold and mad, maybee you knew him? Haha well my friend could help more because he is more higher in this skill ubt this guy I feel is not doing this just for w.e...i think he has a reason. Ill ask my friend when I talk to him again because hes the one that made him leave me alone:) ill be happy to help you as much as I can!
Keenan (2 stories) (16 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Why? Why would he want to do that? Who is he? Lauren, you're my new best friend right now lol, please anything else you can tell me?
LALA222 (2 stories) (42 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-17)
Hi my name is Lauren and I think I can help you. I'm only 16 but I'm sitting here reading your story and a man just came behind me. He had brown hair and jeans on, a dark blue shirt as well. He was in his 40's and looked cold and pissed. I don't know why but he as here with me and made me feel uncomphertable. I have a feeling he had to deal with your suffacating. Anymore questions don't hesitate to contact me.:)

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