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Return to the psychic experience Element Control

bbdeathspark (4 stories) (617 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
Lol, I keep spreading it, but if you think your an elementalist/ can MANIPULATE [not control, NEVER control] an element, email hidden_beacon [at]
mymystery1353 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-10)
wow! Thx for telling your story! I am tring to figure out what my main element is... Apparently its kind of hard. Got any advice? πŸ˜‰
LewisYuki999 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-04)
these symptoms^^^^^^^^^^
Dreams about element control, experiencing element control,
Mastering element control
LewisYuki999 (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-08-04)
i have these symptoms too it started when I kicked a rock along the floor then it just flew so I said "when will this stop" and the wind blew the rock onto my ankle 😭 but now I mastered it I control them all yay! 😁 😊
who_knows (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-20)
I have lately been having these dreams of controling water and being able to breathe under water.

It first started with me just being able to pull water out of a bottle but now I dream about controling the seas and waves.

I also feel much stronger, what do my dreams mean?
birdzgoboom (guest)
14 years ago (2010-07-15)
I can do the same (but definantly not to that extreme yet)! My main element is wind... And I have started to become better at it. I'm starting to learn how to make a small flame bigger (like on a candle) just using my mind. It's such an interesting power, yes? Just be careful with it and make sure to thank the elements when they help you! Especially the wind. The wind likes that:)
epoy1984 (14 stories) (644 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-01)

In the past I had a vivid dream of the armageddon. I watched the surroundings as trees got burned because of the balls of flames coming above the skies. While in the dream state I noticed that I was like a watcher who watch a stage play.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-30)
The only reason why I did not get to post was because I wasn't home for a few days. Sorry for the delay. Plus this page usually was on the side bar but has goten eaten up by all the others, also all the replies on the side bar. Usually I can see when someone posts my name on the replie bar. So again sorry. Let me try to answer some of your querys.

[at] Purple4

If you ever need to reach me just email me at rc_hardy [at] For your answer to your question. Its best to choose a side. Being neutrual to both fractions is more dangerous then choosing a side. At least choosing a side you have people that will back you up. Being neutraul will look bad on you. The Light side will not trust you and so will the Dark side.

[at] Rash

Sorry if I wasn't home to repliy... And also this post got eaten up by others. You understand. As for the fan site... Its got some good information about the past but its all old information. Good history lesson though.
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-30)
Thank you all so much for your help. πŸ˜† 😊 πŸ˜†

Please keep posting it is very useful
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-30)

I do not know the real reason why Eric is hard to get of hold of. I wouldn't worry about it... It might be just an offline issue such as using a public computer since his is broken.
Purple4 (5 stories) (33 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-30)
And I still don't know what side to take. I want to help somehow...
Purple4 (5 stories) (33 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-30)
Thanks Rashidah and Zen for the advice. I am just really confused about this situation and it is really hard to get hold of eric.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
zen let me reason with you for a moment. I know this may take a miracle but I will try.

Fight4freedom did not insult you. He was not even talking about you honey. No one here is insulting you. But when you come into a site to stir up confusion no one will eventually like you.

You say that you are bored. I am pretty sure there are lots of stuff you can do to pass the time.

For example, helping out around your home. I am sure that your parents need help in cleaning up the house, washing some clothes, painting and so forth.
You can also sign up and do a course in a skill you probably do not have yet.
You can volunteer yourself to help aged people and so on.

You seem to love the supernatural. I hear up in the states there are institutions set up to encourage people like you who may wish to study it.

Zen you are young. Instead of wasting time annoying people please try to help them.

You will feel a lot better about yourself. And people will actualy listen to you. Try it. I gauranteed that you have nothing to lose.

Much love ❀
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
Why would I respect someone who insults me.

This site is just a game for me, I only go on here when I am bored. And for amusement I start up conflicts and agruements, that really mean nothing to me but so much more to you.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
Zen the reason why I thought you were a little girl because you act like one.

And have some respect for fight4freedom. He has a better reputation than you have on this site.

You are always jumping in for eric. It is very sad that he does not even see you as a friend zen.

You do not even seem to exist to him.
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
Purple4, you don't have to choice one side, it would be better off to stay neutral. If your side loses you can always switch sides.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
A note to Purple4

Do not beg anyone to answer anything. If you ask someone a credible question and they ignore you that is a sign of shadiness.
Like I said before kids please learn to read people properly. I believe everyone has a level of psychic abillities.

Please use them. 😐
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
I sent you a mail yesterday asking you why do you think the site I posted is a fan site.
You also said I should not of posted it because you know about the siteπŸ˜•
You did not respond. When people do not answer my questions I am left to rely on my senses. And my senses tell me that the site I posted is a very credible site put in place by expert researchers.
I am myself is a researcher and I encourage you all on this site to do research instead of listening to everything someone says. This is the information age. You all owe it to yourselves atleast to educate yourselves.
Everyone can take a look at it and email me the feedback.

Thank You.
Purple4 (5 stories) (33 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
[at] eric
Please can you answer my questions that I asked before...
What do you mean by 'choosing sides'? And do we have to pick a side? Even if we do pick a side and that one loses then will we die even if we didn't fight? You don't have to answer I am just simply curious.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
[at] fight4freedom

" Do you have any proof with that blatant accusation?"

I can say the same for you. As for my grammer its only human to make mistakes in grammer. Unless your a robot.
Purple4 (5 stories) (33 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-29)
[at] MindHacker564
Thanks for the advice, but I am just curious... Looking at these posts I think that I am a indigo child. Thanks
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
Oh I see now the Elements Children I never applied the name though

Thanks D-Mint.
fight4freedom (2 stories) (40 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
Defensive Eric? I'm starting to get that tone, promising a 14 year old female the world when you're what a 20 year old male? Also how can you call me predatory? Do you have any proof with that blatant accusation?

Just be warned you've picked a small tiff with someone a lot smarter than you. Also I can't really understand that last sentence with the poor grammar you used.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
[at] fight4freedom

I really don't know what your talking about there? What I do know is that my ability can grant things to happen to people. Pretty much what ever they want they will eventually get. But like I said before Karma plays a major role in the outcome.

Its not predatary, I am don't do what you do on your free time. Just people ask me for things so I help them out. If no one likes it, who cares. If its not you mind your business.
Talim (2 stories) (54 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
rash no killing people! Not until I get a swing at it atleast! XD
~darkness isn't alway evil~
Talim ❀
fight4freedom (2 stories) (40 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
Eric considering your own disciple was unwilling to validate his own belief in you to others I must call what you doing predatory in nature. Promising the world to kids? Hell most adults would take that promise for their deepest desire in the world, when you're in fact 20 years old doing that to a 14 year old female is wrong.

You're personality is predatory for a profile nature and a strong example of it with minor sociopath traits.

Now onto the issue at hand people you need to start thinking with logic.

Really if you could have anything in the world by saying I want, would your life really be that much better or would greed kick in and make you want more of something else because you realized it wasn't as good as you thought.

Think about that for a bit before you make deals for something. You're own logic and intuition can be extremely powerful tools while separate but combined they can be your best defense.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
Yeah I knew about that. Um wish you didn't post that site though. Just a bunch of fan sites. Check it out if you want.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
Ok then. Then I see that zen is edging himself on. I thought he was actually a friend of yours for some wierd reason.

Anyways on a brighter note I saw this site on the internet

You can check it out if you like and email me your feedback.
If you like
Thank you.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
[at] Rashidah

I don't even know who that is. Only talked to him once on this site. I sent you and only you that email, and I meant it.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
Eric and zen. You two have succeeded in totally pissing everyone off.
I believe Mindhacker because he has the abillity to read people's mind unlike you two.

And eric I do not believe you when you said you have nothing to do with zen. As a matter of fact I believe you are edging zen and his foolishness on.

Instead of sending me a mail asking for peace send your best friend zen that same mail to.
Or does the mail apply for me alone?

I see that you have not told zen one thing about his behaviour.

When you are addressing an issue address the entire issue and not just part of it. You seem very bias. 😐
supremedudeiou (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
[at] mindhacker

You know good and well that all you do is yell your just jelious that you are not as strong as most people so stop lieing about eric he does no wrong nothing he does is wrong but every thing your doing is wrong.

[at] everyone

Dont listen to mindhacker he is not that big and he knows nothing he just wants to do bad things don't listen to him he is the evil one.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
That coming from a lier him self. I only say what I say. Its up to them to believe me or not. You can say what you want to say but no one will believe you. You lied to Aaron, Olivia, Austin, and me what makes you think they will believe your lie. I also have your convo that you typed aswell saying how your going to lie to everyone.
MindHacker564 (5 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
Purple4, Eric, do not listen to him. Everything he says, tends to be a lie. He is not what he says he is. He prays on young children who are confused right now and then uses things such as greed just to get to them, but in truth all he is doing is putting fake and unrealistic images into your head. I have nothing against him. But that's the truth. I have a convo that honestly proves it. I save all my convos. And if you are only curious to hear but not to get caught up in his preaching about wars and how he is principle and bla bla bla, then be curious and see what he has to say, just try not to fall into it because he is only lying.
Purple4 (5 stories) (33 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-28)
[at] eric

What do you mean by 'choosing sides'? And do we have to pick a side? Even if we do pick a side and that one loses then will we die even if we didn't fight? You don't have to answer I am just simply curious.
Doublemint (3 stories) (261 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
[to Kahlyn]

Element children never heard the term before I would say it has something to do with children exhibiting the ability to work with the elements I have listed below. I had to look through my files a poster sent them to me last year.
Hope this helps

Air Elementals
The sylphs, who are the air elementals, have light, breezy energy about them and represent life-giving breath. But they can also bring with them the menace of storm clouds or the mystique of fog. They aid in connecting to the sky, clouds, and weather. Tapping into their energy helps provide greater insights, creativity and mental stimulation.

Fire Elementals
Salamanders are creatures of fire and have hot, passionate energy. They are the destructive force that then becomes the impetus for rebirth and renewal. Salamanders are anywhere there is heat. They assist in spiritual development and connection. They help provide energy, artistic ability and passion.

Water Elementals
The water elementals, or undines, have energy that is fluid and cleansing. Water cleans and purifies and the undines and their water energy are to the earth what blood is to the human body. Water is also deep emotion, creation, and feelings. Undines assist in stimulating intuition and imagination. They help provide a strengthening of, and connection to, healing and nurturing skills.
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
Another poor possessed spirit, it time to take out the old bible and curfix.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
It is what it is. I am what I am. You can choose your side but choose it well. Their is going to be a looser and a winner. You have your abilities and I have mine. The 10 Principal spirits are here. Exnal de on Hume.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
Airnwindme and SoulsnDemon

There is more to fighting than be an agent of hell. The site is neutral where people come to meet and greet eachother. I do not like what Eric is doing and by no means I can not inpugn people choices of which side they are on. Eric is smug about this it is free will and choice

What are element children? The term is unfamiliar to me.

My info and story are in my profile
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
Sorry to make new stories out of your stories funnybunnychowchow. They have closed the story page for a week so for now you are sort of our tool.:)


You are having premonitions like I do. And yes, like Mindhacker said, you are an Empath. Its is an advantage to have these gifts and since you are like a christian, you can pray to God to guide you in your abilites. And as for the premonitions, pay much attention to them and ALWAYS tell someone.

Also, since you are in my family, I think it is genetic. So these gifts run in the family! 😊
soulsndemons (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
eric baal

I read your profile and I have to disagree.
Your are evil because you are sided with hell. The elemental people exist to fight against those like you!

Thats what me and my cuzin airwindme17 beleive! πŸ€”
soulsndemons (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
yes I usually do understand my dreams and if I don't undestand them I usually ignore them. Thanks all I really wanted was just to know what it was so thanks 😁
MindHacker564 (5 stories) (70 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)

You are an Empath. Someone who can feel others emotions. Which is why you know how another person feels.

Also, your dreams, do you tend to understand them very well?
soulsndemons (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
i don't know what kind of of gift I have but I can feel someone elses emotion and will start to cry or be just so xcited. Is this a power or am I just having normal chick things. I also know when to help liek if some random starger walks past me I can automaticly feel like if they just got devorsed and its hurting there kids or like they just bought a new flat screen t.v and they are just sooooo ewxcited I kind of know what's making them feel like that. Like mad or sad. Do you under stand or am I just be imagitive? I can also dream what's going to happen but only if someones going to get hurt or die or just a simple scrape. I don't know but if it is a power then I reallly want to be able to use it so much beter because obviously I have it for a purppose I mean I'm a cristian and I know its for a purpose so I might as well learn how to use it. πŸ˜•
lucky (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-27)
i thing all people have power to control element. Some people just don't believe and don't try so they think thet dosen't exist.
Some peple are lucky and fide out like you, and hera are peple like me thet what to heve ablity to control element bat they can't becoust they don't know how to train: (if anyone want to help me I would be happy help please 😊 I aloso think I can control rain and wind (sometimes) 😁
supremedudeiou (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-26)
[at] who_know
If you need help contact me at aaronmorrison2 [at]
misunderstoodgirl (1 stories) (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-26)
I kind of know how you feel. I can sort of push, my inner energy and control a lot of things. It is frusturating and annoying, I'd love to talk to talk to you privately. E-mail me at: springer.puppie [at]
who_knows (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-26)
Did you guys all teach yor selves or do some special thing?

I really want to learn
Please help
philosearcher (2 stories) (5 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-26)
It would be nice to somewhat master any sort of element control. I mean, for someone who it doesn't come to naturally... It would be amazing. 😒
airwindme17 (1 stories) (34 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
I have an affinity with the wind. I haven't tried with other elements. Every time I want it to blow, it will. I practice every day and all the time, It works. I also can sense emotions and can tell when someone is in the room hiding from me. But that's another story. It started when I moved into my new house just a few months ago. I have tried using these powers in other ways by channeling energy and such but at the moment I am an amature and want to know more! I believe that GOD gave me these gifts for a reason. Maybe to fight evil forces like demons and other big things. I need help. πŸ˜• If you can help, please post something as a comment addressing it to me 😊
HaVeN (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
Funny bunny chow I can control all elements like you. My storngest is the wind. I know a lot about healing crystals. I can heal with a single touch. Maybe I can teach you. You can email me if you want more info on crystals and healing.
kobix4 (1 stories) (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
i can control at wind I'm 15 years old and I can feel danger.
I found a way to use my abilities to personal needs and Self-defense I won't to open new story for at with a guild how to use wind element but is always writ "This page is temporarily closed" who knows when it will open?

Kobi - wind elementor
who_knows (1 stories) (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-24)
You people who can control these elements are very lucky and unique. You have been gifted by god, I believe there are some out there that hate you, people born of the devil and may try to kill you. Make sure you train urself make them fear you, I'm not sure of this, I myself cannot control an element (oh how I wish I could) but get these weird fealings sometimes that I can do anything and get feelings of danger and sometimes wenever I look at someone very suddenly something bad things happens to them.

Just you gifted who can control the elements watch your selves, you see anyone looking at you in a weird and suspicious way don't look them in the eyes and be prepared. You must not fear death and if 1 tries to kill you remember this, its either you or them so gain full controll of your elements and observe the nature around you. Tell no one about your gift or they might just become very jeleous and try to take it off you.

Remember all I hav said, I am a very wise 14 year old
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-21)
it is completely real without relizing it you have made a coven. Your powers will work best when all of them are there. Coven magic is really hard so I'm surprised you were able to do it just recreating it for fun. Be careful their are those out there that believe you have been possesed and might try taking your powers away. If this ever happens try getting a tired look and say its not working anymore.

Fire and ice D.J.
--Mystical-- (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-20)
I'm not sure if this is similar to what is going on with you, but, here it goes-
I was reading this series called the House of Night series. It was about vampires, but the main thing was they would cast these circles. Air in the East, Fire in the South, Water in the West, Earth in the North, and Spirit in the middle. So my best friends and I decided to cast a circle. I lead the Circle, and personified Spirit. Each of my other friends personified the other elements according to which the represented most.
The first time I did it, it was not a full circle. It was my best friend (fire) and her brother (air). When I evoked Air, I swear, it got REALLY windy. I moved on to Fire. There was a slight chill in the air that day, but it got, not warm, but HOT. My best friend was a little skeptic, but she looked up at me in wonder. When I asked her if she felt it, she said yes. I evoked the other elements, even though there was no one there to personify them, and felt the rush of cool water against my legs, felt the power of the Earth int he soles of my feet, and a rush of energy as I evoked Spirit.
The next time it was a full circle and some of my friends felt it. Others were just joking around and not concentrating, so they felt nothing.
I began to show my friends who did feel energy how to use it. And it was amazing- we were outside for, like, 2 hours practicing.
So, what do you think- real affinities or just make believe?
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-20)
Well the seal seems to be weakening, anymore I can make things happen much faster. Also I have been seeing a flaming eye symbol which cause me to believe it is my symbol.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-19)
You don't want to try to unblock them. You are bonded for a reason. Trust me I am in the same boat. I wish I can get most of my abilities I know I have. Email me for more information.
supremedudeiou (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-19)
okay so you need help
There is probably something in your mind keeping you away from your full potential.
So destroy all road blocks and fears and be peaceful until you develope
zen (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-19)
Yea about the weird weather, that might be me. Since ever since I can remember it seems as though I have the ability to control weather. So to test it I'm being making strange weather patterns, like high amounts of hurricanes, earthquakes, floods, and thunderstorms. Anyway, it goes futher than that because it really seems as though if I desire something to happen it happens, and this applies to everything. Also, there seems to be something protecting me as well as something holding back my abilities like a seal, some nights it can exactually feel it. So can anyone help me out here because it really don't know what this means.
dogydogs247 (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-19)
I believe that I can control the wind. It takes concentration, but I haven't done it in a while. There is this one spot in the woods where I go. A huge tree fell and you can climb to the top. When I climb to the top, I feel so free and powerful. I can make the wind so strong that one time it almost knocked me off.
The tree is at about a 40 degree angle. I can see the whole forest. It's truly amazing. I can control the wind when I'm not in those woods. But there I feel so powerful. It's weird.
TheAkurian (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-17)
... The "dork posse"... Cute 😨

The problem with your situation is there are FIVE factors to the elements, in this order: AKASHA, room to exist; AIR, the first and East quarter (spirit, motion); FIRE, the second and South quarter (expasion); WATER, the third and West quarter (control) and EARTH, the fourth and North quarter (inertia, solidity).

If you want to turn any - or any combination of the Great Elements OFF - repeat the Angelic (Language of the Heavens) invocation: "El Aku ALIHA ASUR HIGH, cease!" while pointing on hand into the direction the disturbance is coming from.

gemma1994 (3 stories) (35 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-17)
i have had similar experiences but differnet also because I found ways to contoll them. I don't know if you know this but its all about energy really once you can maipulate that your pretty much set. Now I can't move objects and things so I'm not saying once you can do that your good to go you just need to practice witn the feel of it. Once wen I was at school in an asembly I was bored out of my mind and so I played around with it. It wa really cloudy not a bit of blue showing and what I did was I wanted to make a big hole of blue like huge sort of like a dome in a way and that I would be in the center of it. Now what I did was I imagined my aura I imagined that it was blue and that I was just beaming off me kind of like in waves any way by the end of assembly I didn't think much happened but wen I went outside no joke it wass one massive hole in the clouds pretty much exactly what I wanted to happen there was no wind it was a quiet day but I forgot to metion the wind did pic up a little as I waas doing this. Anyway I have a friend who is similar to me she was sitting a couple of rows behind me and later on she came up to me (by the way she had no idea what I wass doing all assembly) and told me that my aura was going crazy the whole time. So that's my little story and I have a bit more I rote controlling earth elements or something like that anyway I hope I atleast helped you a bit. Got anymore questions and I'm happy to answer just do it on a comment on one of my posted stories. Gemma 😁
nightfall (1 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-16)
everytime I get upset a severe storm will come out of nowhere and the tornado sirens will go off but that's just the tip of it. I see a high priestess and she told me I had to learn how to control my abilities. I'm still trying to learn. If you figure out a way I'd like to know. It's not just elements with me. It's spirits and premonitions as well. I wish you luck with mastering your abilities.
skywire4929 (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-15)
I am wanting you to email me, I got something to tell you. Do you mind this?
Rogue_Phoenix (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-14)
Well I wasn't saying that controlling weather made me a psychic. What I was saying was that I am a psychic and I may be able to control weather.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-14)
Controling the weather doesn't mean your physic. There is a word for it. Means your a Jinn... And a willed soul.
Rogue_Phoenix (1 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-14)
Usually when someone I love dies it seems to rain. Perhaps my strong feelings toward the person control the weather. I just learned that I'm a psychic not to long ago so I have a lot to learn. 😊
warderto1357 (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-14)
elementens, people their is a battle betwen the positive and negative, god and the devil, the ligth and darkness, we are betwenn;god gave us powers greater then our selves, the apocalypse is coming the forces are gathering and we the last genaration are awake, people its now the time to chosse our one path, god our devil, the ligth our the darkness, I am in contact whith god I have seen things and discover thing that would blow your mind, people if you don't believe in god you should because the final countdown is coming choose whisely god is near just let him guide you just has he as guide me, element are powerfull we should'nt abuse of our power, we should learn to control it. Don't go search for speels our some crap, we should control it by ourselves, my way to control wind was by praying and for the first time god talked to me, I was 7 years old, it happened exacly the same I created a freaking tornado, buit it deseaperded, when I pass out, I know little but what I know helps me control this power that's a gift.
God bless you all πŸ˜‰
SilvesterCat10 (1 stories) (14 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-14)
OMG! I can control the wind too. I'm new at it so I can only stop breezes, make snow, and create clouds. You are incredibly powerful to be able to manipulate the weather so much. I think ylur friend should go and try to find a stag. It would be better for her to control cause she might one day lose control.
Kestral (2 stories) (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-13)
I can predict weather but that's it. My family and friends who I've known for a while will actually ask me to scuduele dates of picnics and stuff. But I can only predict about three days in advance so sometimes I'm completley wrong. Also when I used to live in the city when I was in a stroller my mom was pushing it and some random lady walked up and said I looked like a coyote or wolf cub. My mom walked away very fast.
Translator (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-07)
Also, other things of this have happened. It hasen't only happened once.:)
Translator (guest)
14 years ago (2010-06-07)
Hi. I can sorda relate to what's happening to you. Acturly, I think I can control weather, but not all weather. Only like when it rains. Only if its not suppose to rain that day.
You see, either Sunday or Saturday it was really, really hot where I live, so I thought to myself "I wish it would rain and cool things down, they would be great!" Then today, out of no where, dark clouds where in the sky and it started to rain. It also cooled everything down so its not super hot! I think this is very intresting! If you want to email me, my email is: chesneyhowell [at]
NatureGurl13 (7 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-06)
Omg! That happens to me! And I live in Missouri too! Wow Anyway, I think I can control the wind and the clouds and the rain from my emotions! Like today me and my freind were messing around and my friend can see the future and she asked me to make it dull so she could c and it got reallly dull! When she was finished I said let there be light and it was sooooo bright! Then when I'm sad it rains! But your not alone! I thought I was the only one until now! . So sorry that was so long! But what do you think?!
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
I think it is not just the Islands it is from other parts of the world. I get this feeling from visitors

The don't respect the earth long ago they lost their connection to this planet. The people of this world is going have to come to a tough decision and realization. What does really matter in this world? There are to many people in this world to support it. Most people know what overpopulation of animals are but they can not apply it to themseles. In that regards they see Earth as a place to live not as orgasim onto itself.
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
I know what you mean. This island had been blessed for many years, but the pollution and also bad karmic vibrations that it has been picking up (I really believe in collective bad karma affecting a large space) has nailed the intire island with this kind of bad luck. As long as there's crime and people dirtying up the place (sadly mostly locals. I'm originally from here and it saddens me to see how disrespectful the natives from the island are), there's much worse to come. I had connected with earth energy continously and I just know that everything is going to worsen, no matter if everyone tries to fix things. The damage has already been done. Also, there's pollution blowing in from other nearby islands and countries and we're unfortunately smackdab in the middle of its path, meaning that we always get the ashes from Mount Monzeratte (sp?) and the brunt of the oil spills. It really sucks now. Its too hot, much hotter than it has been in years. Its too rainy. Its too cloudy and the cursed tremors has everyone on their toes. Guess this is what happens when people don't respect the earth that gives them shelter and food, huh?
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
The tourist are scared and wary. The Islands are promoting the illusion of what Paradise should be not what actually is. The tourist seeing what the Island for what is and not just the illusion. That means they are not going buy.
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
I am new to the Island. I feel is a stagnation in the air no wind or breeze. Earthquakes will go unnotice as if it is ordinary prior to the Island I lived in mild tectonic zone. The people and myself feel tired and sick. I can sense there is something wrong with the island and areas around it I can't pinpoint it,
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
It has been really weird over here. Some earth-tremors felt throughout the island, floods, landslides and last year at least three hurricanes were announced but never settled over our island. 😳
Kahlyn (4 stories) (311 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
Mirrors have the weather been weird where you are? I saw your profile your from Puerto Rico... Since I am from Virgin Islands...
MirrorsO (1 stories) (150 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
I've controlled the wind and sunlight on occasion and sometimes even pushed back hurricanes from the island I live at but have never actually bothered to harness this ability. It's really weird, since when it was storming outside (and I really needed to run errands) I would close my eyes and visualize the clouds moving, my whole body would get feverish and start to tremble and in a matter of minutes, the rain would stop and the sun would begin to peek out. This happened when I was a teenager, of course, now I just connect more to the Earth energy and found out about her needs and illnessess (and let me tell ya', she's really sick and tired of being treated like '&*%' and believes that no one loves her, which explains her self-healing methods of catastrophic natural phenomena.) You're really on to something here. It's really wonderful to see others that can connect with the elements and control them. You have a one of a kind gift. 😁
Graham10 (4 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
This year I went through depresion and anxiety and had to see a psychologist. I had been sad and down for the last couple days and since it started it had rained and was always cloudy. The days were short and cold and nothing seemed very happy. One wenesday I was at my therapist when we were talking about some very deep issues that I had. I'm not talking about issues with my family I'm talking about dark evils that I carry. We were talking about these things and it had been raining and I felt something take over. A different ancient side of me that loves the evil and anger and I just squeezed my fists as hard as I could and was kind of laughing at this lady who really had no idea what was wrong with me. When I squeezed my fists the loudest thunder I had ever heard sounded out across the entire area. Lightning and thunder. It tore across the sky and let me tell you I felt great. Since then that evil has sunk back down to god knows where and I'm pretty happy I love to walk in nature and I love to sit with animals for hours on end but there's a part of me that knows it will be pack. Is there anyting anyone knows about this, what it is, if its me, Or something totally different someone has got to explain this to me. Please.
Eric-Baal (1 stories) (255 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
Your a special breed of a willed soul. The ability to control the elements. You have the poteintal to become so much more. I hope that you will learn and how to master your ability. If you need a lot more information please email me a rc_hardy [at]
IAmTheUnison (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-05)
Well, it would appear that you have a natural ability to affect the element of air and wind and certain things pertaining to the sky.

It would also appear that your friend is linked to the Spirit of the Stag. Most people are linked to some animal spirit of one kind or another.

If you're seeking to gain more control or understanding of your powers, I might suggest a little bit of spellcraft; particularly fairy magick. I'll bet you'd be very powerful at it.
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-04)
Well I can see that, it would be very hard to read me, I'm not only just difficult to read, but there are defenses up around me. They kind of need to be, or the things that see me as a target would have an easy time killing me... So no fun "/
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
im fine. After that I crashed for about an hour. It doesn't usualy take up that much of my energy but I had to use my electrokenesis. πŸ˜† πŸ˜‰ πŸ˜†
Lyro (468 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
I can see spirits, and work with them, including working with my own. I have not changed my body like a, "Biokenetic", but my eyes have changed color once I became what I am now. Want to try again? Lol
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
um zab no offense but you scared me a little with your comment. Why do you want to know my futue?
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
14 years ago (2010-06-03)
[at] lyro,
I can try but I've never tried through electronics before it works better up close.
😠 πŸ˜•
Biokenetic and spirit seer? Best I can do sorry
Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-02)
[at] funnybunnychowchow Then what am I? Lol, I really want you to see if you can tell me, there are more then I mentioned in my profile.
ZabParadox (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-02)
Interesting... Pyrokinesis. I'm very interested in your future.
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-02)
its not fantasy. I'm also a shaman, able to see what peoples powers are and help them. πŸ˜† that's how my friend found out

The books are percy jackson and the olympians and hidden talents ❀
funnybunnychowchow (1 stories) (49 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-02)
I've tried meditating but it seems every time I do its like watching the worlds fastest slideshow.
Tessanicole (1 stories) (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-01)
You said that after ou read the book that all of the started happening? I have a theory but I don't know how much you'll Agree with me. I think that all humans have a connection with the earth the elements and animals and spirits jstveverythibin general. Here is something to think about. Before humans stAred to build up the earth we all lived together and in differents aorta of the world but we didn't have clothes to keep us warm or houses to keep us dry. Mother nature didn't give us much. My theory is that everything was once connected but we didn't fully understand and everything gt lost overtime. People that are psychic and empathic and can speak to animals learned to re open the connections. I noticed that I have most of my expirences around the full moon which gives us more energy and when I'm in the mood forbtge experiences. Almost like I can shut it on and off because subconcously I think we all can. I'm not sure if this makes any sense but I think that is what is. I'd really like to know what you think. Please email me at xdumbxblondex94 [at] my name is Tessa and I would love to help you as much as I could:) I also think that we all have our own elements which are easier to control then others like yours might be wind and mine might be water. You hav a gift and I wish you luck:) please considering emailing me:)
Touch (3 stories) (14 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-31)
Eh haha you read that book too I see. Well your abilities may be developing as an elemental who can control wind and storms as you said and you should try practicing to make this power stronger.

Haha not to be rude but your friend with the stag affinity is the one that really interested me. The reason why is because of what I believe in; which is that everybody has an affinity to an element and a animal (thats not even all of what I believe ask if you want to know more.) So I think your friend has an affinty to stags and maybe earth.

And another thing that interest me, is that book haha. For the user who said that it sounds like a fantasy, it might or not be... That book is strange if its what I'm thinking of, it seems to make people aware, haha but maybe its just me.
b00kadict54 (6 stories) (44 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-30)
I can do a bit of that too =] its fairly recent though. I like playing with the wind and the rain. I can feel the change right before a storm, and I love the energy that's buzzing around =] It's my favorite time. I've focused on the rain stopping before and it has, slowly, but usually I play wit the clouds. I imagine them parting for the sun and such. I wonder if that makes me anything.

Oh, and I know a bit about crystals. I'm no encyclopedia, but I can help a little.

Everyone has that one crystal they feel drawn to and its purpous is clear too. Rose quartz is good for learning to love onself, open yourself to others love, and to be yourself. Clear quartz is kind of like the medium quartz like a white candle would be in magic. It takes in the bad and neutralizes it. Smokey quartz is good for uncovering dreams, forgotten ideas, deep thought, etc. There are many different types of crystals and gemstones. Birthstones usually tend to draw us to them. I wouldn't worry about your "true" birthstone, they've changed over time many times, but work with a list of them that are suited for your month. For example, opal is mine, and it changes appearance with my mood.

You get to play around with the crystals that you like, get a feel of what they are to you =] I would look for any science museums, geological sites, or even wicca/witch/shaman/etc shops. They usually have an assortment of tumbled or crystal gems

Blessed be!

Oh, and I do believe your friend may have been a stag in a past life, that or she has an affinity with them =]
kristythecat (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-30)
i can sometimes predict the weather - we had snow a couple of months ago and, after it had stopped for two or three weeks, and everyone said it was over, my mom saw me looking out of the window and I said 'its going to snow again tomorrow'. She didn't believe me at the time, but it snowed really heavily the next morning in our area, and no one had predicted it on the weather. Also, when it is raining, if I will it really hard to rain heavier or lighter it will. 😊 I can't control the weather nearnly as well as you, though - you must be really talented. A for your friend and the stag, maybe she has a special connection with them? πŸ˜•
AveMaria (1 stories) (7 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-30)
I've controled wind a few times when I was upset to make it strong, wind being my element, I also control rain but it was stronger before I tried supressing my abilities. But a freind of mine made a really strong wind storm that lasted a few days after she asked for it. But her element is fire, so I do think its possible for people to control all diffrent elements other then their main one. By the way funnybunnychowchow. Your name is so cute:D
shadowclaw23 (1 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
im 15 now, and I realized I had abilities at the age of 8. But my favorite ability is element control. My main element is water. When I get angry storms pick up and it thunders and lightnings. When I cry it rains really hard. And when I'm in a good mood, I make the wind pick up, and I can just relax. I can do a lot more things to, but I'm not going into details, cause you wanted to no about element control. If you really perfect it like I have, you can actually cause tidal waves, and twisters, and other stuff like that. Like when I go surfing, I make big waves, so I can do flips and stuff. If you have anymore things you want to know, or if you want to know about anymore of my abilities, ill tell you. Just ask 😊
Lyro (468 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
I too am an Elemental, only a beginner though. I've stopped the rain, controlled the wind, Caused lightning, just a few small things. I know another new person at it, and I also know two higher rank people who are way better. One who can start tornadoes when she's pissed.
rocknroll300 (guest)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
Thats is soo cool how you can control the elements! I can control them just a bit, but the other day I stopped the rain! And I'd like to know more about your friend and her connections to stags.

Blessed be
Cass 😊
Sunspotter (6 stories) (109 posts)
15 years ago (2010-05-29)
Element of Storm; Are you sure you are not Atmokinetic? I am Atmokinetic myself and very experienced at all things weatherwise, so if you need some help as you mentioned, feel free to shoot me an email at Lizardwarrior55 [at]

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