I believe that a few months ago, I had the pleasure of noticeably having my first out of body experience. Though it was unsuccessful and for the longest I had no idea that that is what occurred.
I was lying in bed, just ending a lucid dream. I was fading in and out of the dream, acknowledging that I was awake inside of the dream and waking up out of it for seconds at a time. In the dream, I was in an old boarding house and in the wall was a hole. On the other side was darkness aside from the symbol of an eye that was blue. This is when the vibrations started. My whole body shook and I was picking up radio stations in my head, switching between them. I knew I wasn't dreaming because I knew I was awake and I recognized too many of the stations and voices on them. When the vibrations settled, I closed my eyes and tried to trigger them again... By concentrating on that blue eye symbol. It worked! I think I thought that it might have been an OBE starting, but I was too sleepy to initiate further. I never got passed the vibrations and radio stations.
When I was 17/18 (I'm 20 going on 21, now), I used to try to meditate more and spend my nights trying to have an out of body experience. I was never successful then either. I have trained my mind to do many things in my sleep, from waking up when I want to, to going lucid when I want a lucid dream for the night (Which I did just last night).
I still haven't been able to trigger anything by concentrating on that symbol again, but I am more than willing to try again and again.