This has happened a few times. Please understand I am not asleep when this happens, and am not dreaming and do not use sleeping aids or any drugs. I am fully awake, talking, and behaving normally.
Usually, this happens in the evening, I am in my bedroom or in the kitchen tidying up, and hear voices and talking in the living room. I go to the living room and see it full of people I don't know, and my partner is on the sofa watching television. He appears not to notice the strangers. Usually anywhere from 4 to 8 of them. They seem to know him and are talking or just hanging out.
The first time this happened, I asked my partner who they were. He thought I was nuts or sleepwalking (I wasn't), and said no one was there. I thought he had to be playing a joke and got a little insistent and thought he was rude to have people over without giving notice. He was freaked out and finally he just pretended to go along and said "ok, all y'all got to go now". They left. I did not see them leave, they just weren't there anymore. It was pretty unnerving.
This same thing has happened several times over 2 years. Once, one did not leave, and actually got in our bed. Full clothed and went to sleep. I told my partner this was too weird. I was pretty upset. He said he didn't see anyone. I slept on the sofa. In the morning no one was there, so I thought he left after I fell asleep.
When I try to speak to them, they look at me sometimes but don't answer and go on talking to each other or just sort of being there.
I am empathic, and have had other experiences throughout my life since childhood. This only began a few years ago. Someone suggested they could be spirits attached to my partner, and he is not aware of them. How can I find out, and has anyone had this happen before? I'm more or less used to it now and I'm not scared by it anymore. They don't ever do anything, other than the one who apparently needed a nap.
I would like to be able to find out who they are and why they visit. If anyone has had a similar experience, I would really like to know about it.