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Real Psychic Experiences

I Have Accessed My Inner Power


Lately I have been busy with my life trying to make ends meet. My energy beings I have created, (or to some of you my demons) have been helping other people in life and have been doing good deeds. So I have been trying to access my inner power by meditation, usually by music to induce trance. I now have many new abilities. One new one I have is to get rid of demons or spirits that haunt houses of my friends. I was wanting to maybe make a business that specifically helps people with hauntings, but only time will tell. Another new ability that I have developed is to stop bad things from happening. For example; I was driving down to Walmart and noticed a speeding driver. What I did was focus on his gas pedal and released it in my mind. He slowed down before he hit this car in the middle of the road. He was also texting so that would have been bad. A third ability I have found out is to heal long-term pains that people have. I first tried this on my mother's shoulder and fixed it. She always has sharp pains in her shoulder. I never really tried to heal myself because I do not really get any pains.

My past stories have been about my demons. I have told them to start doing good deeds and they have been. They have been doing countless deeds for people like healing pains, going to hospitals and helping people get better. My inner power grows everyday getting to the point to where I can start using it for telekinesis. I have tried telekinesis one time and it was a success. One time I experimented with a candle flame and I got it to move in a circle. My finger was high above it to keep drafts away. Another time I took a toothpick and moved it a little bit on a table. I am working on heavier objects. So, if anybody has any comments please write.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, jsoaps2, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Timfaraos (426 posts)
10 years ago (2015-05-08)
Demons can help and protect you, just to gain your trust... In exchange for your soul to belong to them! LOLOL! Visit my profile page, to find titles of some awesome, best selling books, with mind blowing, gut wrenching, hair raising true autobiographies, of people who got supernatural powers from their "friendly" demon spirit guides! Find out what happened to them. Happy reading. Good luck!
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
Thank you newbiepsychic. I appreciate comments like this. I really want to start a business helping people get rid of demons
Newbiepsychic (109 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-28)
wow! I am impressed with you!
I could learn a thing or two! I know I have that higher power going on but honestly get so busy with daily life, I tend to forget about it. I have made things happen too...
I am so impressed with you. Keep it up! You reminded me to work harder at things I can do:)
Thanks for that!
Btw, I sense you could make money doing what you do as long as you keep your heart in a place of love, do it for love and the money will come. I feel this about you.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-24)
Thank you jaydonc. Spread the word and I will help anybody to get rid of demons.
jaydonc (37 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-24)
You are doing great work jsoaps2 keep it up! I can see all of your efforts are for the others. 😐
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
You are very welcome. Spread the word and I will help anybody. Pleasure to help you.
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
Thank you, I haven't felt this happy in a long time. All the negative thoughts have gone and whatever they had put in my left side. I just can't believe this... In a way I'm just waiting for them to come back. Every now and then I shudder slightly like i'm having my very own small earthquake, but I think that's a good sign. I can't see your protector but I get a cold chill that feels different to the demon that was trying to get inside me. I can't thank you enough or your protector. It's brilliant, I don't believe it, thank you! 😁
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
They are able to get rid of any type of spirit or demon. They are very powerful.
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
Ok I sent one over there now. Please let me know what happens.
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
So if they did get rid of the demon, well how are they going to do that if it's already attaching itself to me?
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
You can trust me because they always do what I ask them to do. You can trust me
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-20)
Cloudess, I think I may have come across them but when I did, I wasn't ready and I was shocked to the core. But that was a few years ago. I thought I was stronger and I can get rid of them for a while but now it seems as if they have got stronger and with every moment they make me weaker and more vulnerable. To the point now where I'm sitting here thinking I should admit myself to a mental hospital. But thank you for your advice.
Jsoaps2, thank you for the offer but how do I know I can trust your protectors? I trusted the demon who is attacking me now...
jsoaps2 (6 stories) (131 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-19)
Yes laura I can help you. If you want I can send one of my protectors over to help you get rid of that demon. Please let me know
cloudess (2 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-19)
laura-li, I have to ask, have you met or become aware of your guardian angel, every single person on this earth has one that was sent to protect him or her. If you have not, this is okay, it just means the time is not yet right for you two to meet, (Although you can ask for him or her to come. Before you go to bed ask your guardian angel to reveal him or herself to you in your dreams, if either they don't, which might be hard to tell or another being shows up instead. This other being might also be your spirit guide who could help you out with this situation as well.) If nobody shows up, you can ask one of the archangels. Archangel Michael is one people call on a lot, and I recommend that you try him first. Simply say, "Archangel Michael, come and protect me." (or whatever you want to say to call upon him, it doesn't matter so long as you are asking for help.) I hope this helps and this demon goes away, remember, you are stronger than this demon, plus positive thoughts don't hurt, but I know you are scared. Do not be afraid,

"For the positive thinker sees the invisible, feels the intangible, and achieves the impossible."


Love and Light
laura-li (1 stories) (112 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-19)
Please, can you help me? I don't know what it is but it keeps on trying to control me. For a while now I have had cold chills and keep on seeing these these dark orbs. I think a demon wants to take over my body. Some nights I feel a hand reach into my heart and try to rip it out. It hurts and I try to use this protective white light thing. I feel negative energy around me. But just now, I felt some fingers press against my cheek and then I felt as if I lost all ability to move my head. It pushed my head so I was facing the ceiling. I''ve had stuff like this before where I have been pinned down or my mouth forced open but never so forcefully that I couldn't move. Please, I'm so scared, everything I try is only temporary. It comes back... Is it a demon? Can you please help me?
cloudess (2 stories) (35 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-19)
congrats on reaching your inner power, jsoaps! It just goes to show how with some hard work and believing in yourself you can do anything. But don't stop here, (it doesn't sound like you are), some people are content once they reach a certain stage of developing something, which could be anything, from a talent to a sport. Don't be that way, learning and developing your psychic abilities is a life-long experience that we should enjoy and not rush. Stop to smell the roses along the path.

Love and Light

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