Lately I have been busy with my life trying to make ends meet. My energy beings I have created, (or to some of you my demons) have been helping other people in life and have been doing good deeds. So I have been trying to access my inner power by meditation, usually by music to induce trance. I now have many new abilities. One new one I have is to get rid of demons or spirits that haunt houses of my friends. I was wanting to maybe make a business that specifically helps people with hauntings, but only time will tell. Another new ability that I have developed is to stop bad things from happening. For example; I was driving down to Walmart and noticed a speeding driver. What I did was focus on his gas pedal and released it in my mind. He slowed down before he hit this car in the middle of the road. He was also texting so that would have been bad. A third ability I have found out is to heal long-term pains that people have. I first tried this on my mother's shoulder and fixed it. She always has sharp pains in her shoulder. I never really tried to heal myself because I do not really get any pains.
My past stories have been about my demons. I have told them to start doing good deeds and they have been. They have been doing countless deeds for people like healing pains, going to hospitals and helping people get better. My inner power grows everyday getting to the point to where I can start using it for telekinesis. I have tried telekinesis one time and it was a success. One time I experimented with a candle flame and I got it to move in a circle. My finger was high above it to keep drafts away. Another time I took a toothpick and moved it a little bit on a table. I am working on heavier objects. So, if anybody has any comments please write.