Lately I have been tossing and turning this matter all around in my mind, hoping I could find some answers.Instead,whenever I think about it, more questions just seem to unveil themselves. Questions that,don't even have a clear way to be answered.
So as soon as the submission page was finally up and open once again, I wanted to post my query fast... And here you go.
First of all, I understand it might be too much for some people to handle. To those who just want to spam comments with words such as "What a delusional question" and stuff,please:the Log Out button is there for a specific reason. Do feel free to click it. I need real, reasonable answers here, not some nonsense comments on how I shouldn't have asked such question.
So back to the topic:I am asking this question because first, I've been encountering more and more people on the 'Net who are claiming that they are having astral relationships with their Spirit Guides and stuff. They even,uh,"make love to their spirit guides".Could your Spirit Guides actually fall for you in the same way we humans fall for someone? What if they're a Higher Entity then?
My second reason for asking this question is because, late last year I've been having some intimate experiences with an SG of mine who is a Higher Entity. Examples would be cuddling and even putting his lips on mine. But that only happened once for I really felt so new and alien to all of it so he never did it again.
This Higher Entity I'm speaking of actually isn't known to be like that.Actually,he's supposedly the Egyptian God of Chaps, Darkness and all those stuffs I'm really, really the opposite of. So many more times than I'd like to admit, I would just brush it off and think it's all in my imagination but my intuition just bugs me that something's up with us.
But I just can't believe it. Not until someone knowingly share at least same experiences with this.
Is it possible,really?I've heard of Spirit Spouses and stuff but what if what we're talking about is a higher entity? Not to mention, a supposedly dark one?
Lately he's been treating me more gently, which is really strange because it's opposed to his reputation and nature.He's not forcing me in any way nor does he hinder me from the things I do or people I meet. Still my query never fades and instead, just increases more.
And what would you do if,well,there is already the chance of you actually falling for them (your Spirit Guides)?
Awaiting all of your input.:)
NOTE:For the doubters,no,he's not an incubus/some evil stranger who I just stumbled upon. My cousin already saw him in a vision and in some way confirmed that he IS that entity.