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Empath Seeing Things Outside Of Visions


My whole life, I have always been able to sense the feelings of others. I've always been especially sensitive to sadness and extreme anger. About two years ago, I met my best friend, who told me I was an empath. Over the last two years, I have quickly grown into being able to sense any emotion a person can have. I am now beginning to be able to have visions of things from the past of the people around me, things I was never aware of.

I have a friend who had a bad childhood and never speaks of it. I had several visions of things from her past and after I told her what I'd seen, it was apparent from the look on her face I was correct in what I'd seen. My best friend I am able to sense no matter how many states lie between us, and most other people require a presence of being in the same room, but I do have problems in traffic with catching emotions.

Recently, and this is where I am looking for the most help, I am beginning to see things that I have not been able to find any information on. They are not ghosts, because I see them as plainly as if they were standing in front of me. There is no mistiness, no shadowing, just a solid, full reality person in front of me. The difference is they usually have golden eyes that sometimes take on a red tint. They are always very beautiful, and usually do not speak to me. They also do not interact, they just seem to watch me. I did get frustrated with one who is a woman who is always present and demanded to know what she wanted with me. This is the first time one of them has ever spoken, and all she said was she means me no harm.

I am curious as to what I am seeing, because everything I have found refers to shadow people and ghosts, but both of those talk of transparency or inability to distinguish features. What I have seen I could sit with a sketch artist and have drawn up. Someone please help! I don't know if I should be concerned with what I'm seeing or if it's something normal. This is completely new to me to be able to see things other people do not, and I appreciate any help that can be offered.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Dragonfly14, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

BeingHaunted (1 stories) (13 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-10)
You remind me of me a little bit. I been through the same thing... I don't know much about it though...
Dragonfly14 (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-10)
I have wondered if I have seen angels at times. I have seen beings with wings, but they were as varied in the color of theirs wings as birds are, not the basic white wings every angelic picture we all grew up seeing in a church. Sometimes this gift feels like a curse, because I can see and feel things that most people around me cannot. It gets really hard to explain sometimes why I cannot bear to enter certain buildings or in certain places I become very distracted and nervous. I honestly have a horrible time with churches. There are churches that when I get near them, I can practically hear the voices screaming not to enter them. It's not every church, but there are a surprisingly large number of them like that.
AmandaASJ (guest)
12 years ago (2012-11-08)
The things you could be seeing could be Angels or Higher beings or other peoples spirit guides.
Ysemay_Zasticia (1 stories) (22 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
Amazing! I rarely have visions like that... You are very fortunate to have that git!
Dragonfly14 (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
I do know I went on a ghost tour of the Stanley Hotel several months back. It was very interesting, and my experience was nothing like what the tour guides said most people experienced. Most people smell perfume or simply get touched. I was standing in the old billiards room, now empty. I could hear the sounds of the men talking, laughing, and playing pool, and I could smell the cigars and whisky. If I concentrated, the scene unfolded in real time before me, but it un-nerved me at the time and I let the vision collapse.
Dragonfly14 (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
Thank you! Part of me was concerned I might have a demon problem because of the eyes. I knew I didn't feel evil though, and I am very sensitive to that. Ironically, there are churches I won't set foot in because of the feeling of evil coming from some.
Ysemay_Zasticia (1 stories) (22 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
Sometimes. Other times their eyes were dark hollows, like liquid pools or eternally deep chasms.
Dragonfly14 (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
Do you often see them with golden or red eyes? That in itself made me question the reality of if it could be a ghost.
Ysemay_Zasticia (1 stories) (22 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
These beings may well be ghosts. In fact, I'm almost completely sure of it. Not everyone sees ghosts as transparent beings. I never did. I always saw them as full-on apparitions as real as any living beings. You have a powerful gift if you can see them full-form. I have seen them since I was an infant, and they were more solid then. My abilities had faded to almost nothing by about two years ago, and now I'm trying to get them back. The weaker my gift, the more transparent the spirits seemed. Now that my strength is growing again they appear more solid each day.
Dragonfly14 (1 stories) (5 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-07)
That's so weird. I wish mine was a woman showing up in a public place, it wouldn't be so unnerving. This woman shows up within my house and always makes me think I left a door unlocked somewhere.
Simplyme24 (2 stories) (4 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-06)
I am not sure this is related but once in the farmers market as I was sitting on the bench this woman came from no where and said hello and made a point to get through the crowd to do so. She circled twice and smiled sweetly and said hello. Another time s I was in the car at the stop light with my mother I saw a woman in a car driving through the intersection. She smiled and the. Smile got bigger and bigger and I swear it was so sinister. She made complete eye contact with me the entire time. The eyes stayed completely open and her mouth turned upwards to her eyes. As she drove her face turned towards me completely and she was almost looking directly behind her at me. I learned I was an empath some time ago and also had experiences since childhood.

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