Over the past few months I have been experiencing some weird visions when I look at people I work with. Its as if my mind is open and when I stare at them or talk to them I see visions of events bad and good that will happen or affect them in the future. It doesn't frighten me to see what I see, but I want to know why such a thing is happening all of a sudden. I have been able to see ghosts since I was 15 years old but as I am getting older my so called gift is getting more improved.
I don't want to visit a spiritual church because I feel embarassed about telling people about what I see and what I experience.
I look at people and can tell what they are going to die of and on about 2 occasions I have been correct on what I have seen. And it frightens me because the next person is my nan and I don't wish it be to true it frightens me infact.
Please can anyone help me in this situation I am in. And is there anywhere I can get advice.
I would like to develop my skills and possibly do it as a hobby but the trouble is I can't turn the visions off they are constantly on all day everyday.
I haven't seen many ghosts for a while because I had to tell them to try and leave me alone because they were appearing everywhere I went and disturbing me at work and in my sleep. I still have a resident trouble maker who is in my house but it just won't seem to stop or leave no matter how many times I say the lords prayer and ask nicely.
Am I just being silly or is this a gift.?
There sometimes is a block on some people and I can't read them as a good as I can others that are open if that makes sense.
Its a weird thing to have as a gift and so far all my predictions I have said to people at work are correct and people find it fasinating but scary and when they see me staring they sometimes get scared because they know what I am doing.