For the past years when I take a bath, sometimes I would smell the smell of steam water then every time I do I would see smokes coming out of my hand and body. Sometimes it has colors, one time I saw colors coming out of my hand it was light green and the other color looks like magenta, I'm not sure since it's like pinkish red.
Then I would occasionally see just white smokes then smell like it was steam water. The other day I saw this again then I saw another color that looks like a copper; it's like brownish but with like a gold glitters though I'm not sure if it's really gold but it just glittered like gold sparkle with brown tint, it was quite fast when I saw it then it disappeared then all I see was just white smokes again over my head. The smoke is much larger than the usual smokes I used to see for the past years. It really flow past my head and hands.
What could these be? Auras? Or auras of other spirit around me? Or maybe spirit guides? How do you distinguish your own aura and what does the color means?
Any inputs would be appreciated. How do you develop seeing auras by will? Because I only see these just all of a sudden while I relax when I don't focus on my hands or any body parts. It just smells like steam water then the next thing I know I'm beginning to see it and when I stare at my hands it disappears. I usually stare past my hand and try not to focus on it.
I always see these in an unexpected time but most of the time when I take a bath.
Thanks in advance for those who will give insights.