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Real Psychic Experiences

It Just Gets Weirded And Weirder


Since my last story I didn't have any more trouble with demons. I learned how to seal them so they haven't been a problem any more. Instead something else started to happen, at first I thought my powers were growing stronger but now I really doubt it. Last weekend I was leaving my vacation house with my family. My dad and I were waiting for my mom in our car and he said "Nike, since when is your hair this bright almost light red?". At first I thought he was joking but then I noticed some parts of my hair were an orange/red color. My normal hair is very dark, almost black.

That morning I woke up from a precognitive dream. When I went to the bathroom I noticed that in my eye was a strange black spot near my pupil (separated) and my eye color was way lighter than usual.

Other than that lately I've been noticing small scars all over my hands. Yes, I have a cat but it's impossible for him to have done them because for example I noticed a few fresh ones today at school, and they weren't their this morning. Or after I took a shower I found new ones and they weren't there when I entered the bathroom. Something like this had happened a few years ago but my master explained me that when we trained in dreams the scars a bruises I'd get there would appear on my real body but we haven't trained so it's not from that.

Another thing is that my telepathy seems to be way stronger. I mean even with my cat, he understands what I say ASAP. Before I needed to repeat things and show them to him mentally but now he does things I never thought him. For example a few days ago I was bringing him his lunch and I couldn't pass because of the curtain on the door. I asked him "hey mind making me a way to pass?". Next thing I know he pushed it away with his tail and made it stay like that.

The weirdest thing that I just remember and terribly scared me happened last night. I was having a dream I don't remember about what. Then I found myself asleep in my bed but I was watching myself standing in front of my bed. There was a green light coming from the wall in front of my bed. I thought "Wait is this astral travelling?". It didn't feel like a lucid dream at all so that's why I thought it was an OBE. I had tried a few times with no success but I never thought it'd be like that. The bad part was that I had 0 energy in me. I couldn't even stay on my legs. I tried to levitate but it was the same. I helped myself walk around the room by leaning against the walls but like I said I couldn't even stand.

Is this normal for an OBE and was this an OBE?

And why are all the scars?

What's going on?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Madara, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

PsychicJR (8 stories) (541 posts)
11 years ago (2014-04-01)
My spirit guide is a shark wich is helpful a lot it wards off things I want to get rid of which is extremly helps to ward off bad spirits
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
You are welcome. BTW, your stone is an object of nature which is directly related to the nature spirits. Especially the rock and earth spirits. If your stone is a river stone/rock then it is connected to the water spirits.
There is where your connection to the nature spirits are.
Take care and enjoy your abilities.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
Thanks a million Eagleclaw, I really mean it 😊
Noorh, I haven't figured out the scar part yet. Yesterday in class a scar appeared on my arm and started to bleed.
I asked about the eye part my master. He said that some kinesis with witch I didn't use my stone to learn takes time for results. I had tryed biokinesis on my eyes a few months ago and the effects started to show now. (my stone's power is that once I'm at my home town I can comunicate with the town. If I ask "hey *town's name* can you make it rain for me, pleaseeee" I get a rain in less than a minute. The powers I develop with the town are "recorded" by the stone so I can make that happen anywhere). So if you used biokinesis it may be that.
Noorh (2 stories) (168 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
me too madar I have scars on my body sometimes. Sometimes when I look in the miror and stare at my eyes I always see a small whits. Shiny dot in my pupil my eyes its sparkly. Do have specail or just normall I thought you would know
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
You are welcome. Yes it is possible to have animal and human spirit guides. Every human has at least 4 guides throughout their life. But one of the spirit guides typically is the main one for the most part. And, spirit guides come in many different forms. They can be animals, human form, angels, demons and alian (life forms from different worlds). Some are easy on the eyes and others are very scary looking. Each guide will show and teach you something different.
I can confidently say that your green stone created the portal by showing you direction with the green light. Every stone and/or crystal has a spirit that dwells within it. And, every stone and/or crystal has a vibrational energy level. The green stone has a energy level up to 6 which means that it is interacting with your third eye area. You have in your possession a very strong stone. In regards to portals, they do exist. Some have been there for centuries and some have been opened recently by humans. It's easy to open a portal but closing one can be a difficult task. There are some people who open portals for negative intent. And they fail to close the portals that they create. The portal that they create allows for lower vibrational entities to pass through. There are also those people who open portals to invite higher vibrational energies to our world to assist us in protecting themselves and others and they are also responsible enough to close the portal when they are done. Nothing makes an entity more angry than being disturbed when they don't want to be disturbed. Don't forget to take the cougar with you on your travels. I hope that I have answered your questions.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
You don't know how much I appreciate your replay Eagleclaw!
Just one last thing that needs clearing (sorry). I met my spirit guide, actually spirit animal through meditation. He's a cougar, we are always connected with each other. A funny example is, once I had a dream I was in some kind of a school. Class was boring and I went out and saw my sister there. I noticed I wasn't wearing shoes and since I can't manipulate my dreams quite well I said "hey Caguaro (that's how I call my spirit animal), mind making my shoes appear?" then he said to look in a box in a closet and they were there 😆. So is it really possible to not only have spirit animals but also spirit guides?
And could the green light I saw when I astral projected be a portal? My stone is green like the light and it wears the name of my home town. Could that've been a portal to it? And if so do portals actually exist?
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
You are welcome. I'm glad that I could be of assistance. In regards to the phone calls, do not answer the phone. You should ask your parents to call the phone company to block the calls from coming through. Just tell them the time and day of the phone calls.
You can ask the woman some stuff directly. I would start off with "What is your name?". You can say it in your mind so not to let others see what you are doing. She may write the answers down or show you a picture of something. Oh, start off small with yes and no answers first. You need to get a understanding of each other first. Don't forget to ask her if she is your spirit guide.
It not that your body is rejecting your soul. It is because you haven't traveled to where you wanted to go yet. Your soul will know where to go next time. And, you will always come back. Trust me on that. It is normal to have that sensation when your soul is yearning to travel to different places it's lived. I actually traveled to outer space just to hang out one time. The only time you will be disconnected from your body is when you die. Maybe by astral traveling you will learn and see many things that you need to know in order to awaken to your true self. Look at these experiences as a positive one. The unknown most always creates fear. We must embrace the unknown. When you travel invite the woman to come with you after you have made sure that she is a guardian spirit. She will protect you when you travel. Hope this helps. Happy travels.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
Thanks Eagleclaw! That makes perfect sense. My abilities have been growing lately. Tomorrow if I see her I'll ask her some stuff. NOT DIRECTLY! That number called 5 times today. The 4th my dad answered but the line broke up, the 5th my mom and they closed. I think they want me to answer. But when it rings I get the feeling I should NOT answer. I don't know what to do. Oh and since I astral projected my body keeps rejecting my soul and even now, the only thing stopping me from an OBE is my will power. How can I stop this?
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
Hello Madara,
In regards to the phone calls, you may be getting them from someone who is watching both you and your master. Now you know why I don't share my email with anyone other than a few people. It's just my opinion.
The woman that you speak of is trying to tell you that your spirit is immortal. People such as that are called old souls. Same spirit body but you have lived in many physical bodies. She may even be your spirit guide. Try to listen to what she shows you. What she shows you will give you guidance for the future. I believe because you are an old soul you may soon experience new abilities appearing. It's like coming into your true self that you have been for many lives. It's an awakening for you.
Hope this helps.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-19)
guys, I really need help here. This Monday, I took the bus to school. It's a 45 minute trip so I don't have a choice. That morning I dreamed of a woman in my vecation house. She was old, her hair was very light between blond and white. She was drressed in blak. Well that morning that same women sat next to me in the bus and was reading a book about mythology/epic and I noticed a chapter about immortality. I was already shocked by the fact that I met the women from the dream I had an hour before. Today when I took the bus for home she was in it. She was still reading that book. She was dressed in black. The thing that surprised me the most was that on her right hand she was wearing a brecelet. Not just a brecelet but a type of brecelet you can only find in my home land 1500 miles away. It was original and not something you can find in shops, I can tell because it had 2 coins. It is a brecelet some of my people use against evil eye. Dark eyes aspecialy black eyes like mine can be easily effected from evil eye so I wear one on my right hand. I tryed to look her in the eyes but she put on a pair of sun glasses. Coincidents? How did she get the brecelet? Why did I dream her? And why was she reading about immortality?
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-09-14)
I forgot to mention both me and my apprentice have been recieving strange phone calls from non existing numbers. They always call when we can't answer. And like I said if we dial them back it says the number doesn't exist. I took out the same numbers from the 12 digit numbers and got weird dates that don't make sense. Can it be a coincidents that they call when we are at school, in another room in our houses and can't hear the phones, when we eat etc.?

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