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My Dreams Tell The Future In Detail


Since I was little I've seen things. Some just ghost, others, things in human form. In my dreams is how I know what people really are. My dreams tell the future in detail, I have had dreams of the world's ending, and what has happened in the past or future. Then later I ignored it but I came up again. I felt things watching me, and stalking me.

Around that time, I had more dreams than ever, all my dreams ever since have all been prophetic. Then one day I noticed my shadow was backwards. "huh" I was thinking. Then in my dreams that night I saw a yellow eyed black mastiff, that was a little shaggy, just staring. That night I was at my friends house, so we looked up about what I had saw in my dreams. We went on wikipedia, and it was a hell hound, travels in shadows in a backwards form, everything about it right.

Later I realized it still had not hurt me, I could sense its presence a lot, and I've seen many strange black animals staring at me. So now I think it may be my guardian. Then I remembered something. Everyone called me a heathen in a serious/ mocking tone. So it hit me... What if I am? I do not know for sure...

After getting used to the hound, I noticed things in the clouds, angels and dragons in combat, all in the shape of clouds. Once they got near each other the cloud would break apart. Also every time I go to a restaurant one girl with brown hair in a bun works in every differ one we go to, she stares at me angrily.

Other than those things I can sometimes read minds, but not when people ask. I feel relaxed when it's raining, I think the lightning is beautiful, and I see the blue out lines of people. I can tell when, or sometimes change people's minds. The future is in my dreams. When I try to tell about the world ending dreams, something stops me, I get very sick, or I get a nose bleed so I don't. I did some research and since of the day I was born, my guardian angel is supposed to be Gabriel, the messenger of god, and guess what. He tells god's chosen ones about the world ending, just like he did to the virgin mary.

So if this helped you I am glad, if you have the same experience I am sorry, there is a lot more than this, but I feel I should not type it. Thank you for reading this.

Also can someone tell me more about what is happening?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Rockypelt, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-15)
hello anyone hello hello? Anyone here. If anyone here please answer my call.

Hello? Hello?
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-08)
Oh and people say I randomly talk british and I do not remember doing that either.
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-08)
Guys...i think kingston is dead the demon/ black odg is the demon that kington was protecting me from. But I think he is dead now that the demon is getting to me, I lash out randomly, I don't remember that stuff I did, and I always feel like lashing out and killing people. The black dog is no hellhound it is an evil demon that makes people want to kill. BTW the hellhound howl I heard is also an omen of death... For me. Because my soul will die but not my boy, the demon will get to me... So yeah...
annewalker (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-04)
There needs to be your own critical analysis of the dog. 'Hellhounds' are bad, or unfortunate omens according to many of the sources I have encountered, however that does not mean your encounter is that of a "hellhound".
I would suggest trusting your personal instincts on the matter in terms of your decision to react or understand to those encounters. The dog itself isn't in many ways, "this" or "that" as its your personal understanding of the image which is reflected by your actions. Ie when you see the dog or feel the lightning your mind has given them the meaning of an ominous sign, which is what your placing meaning in. If I had a positive experiences every time I saw these omens then my belief or instinct of the creature would be a positive one.
I, if you can't tell, have no faith in "symbols", "religion" or "omens" for that matter as my personal ideology is that which we are in control of how we see or react to a situation, and that its our decision to believe or react to those stimuli the way we see fit, regardless of our experiences. As soon as you rely on another persons idea of what it is, or what its doing, then your handing over your control. If you (in my opinion) want to get control or feel control out of this situation you need to personally decide, without the influence of external connotations (such as religious affiliation) to what those encounters mean. I hope that makes some kind of sense, as I said, basically make your choice and take control of how you need to, but if your going to place "belief" in what's happening, place it within the "belief" of yourself and not that of the external events. Anyway, its just something to consider, its not my experience, nor am I in ANY WAY an expert, so I guess I can only offer support and hope you figure out how to cope with it for yourself.:)
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-04)
well I had a dream of kingston, next day my moms cousin died. And everytime I go home it does a big lightning/thunder storm. But a black shuck and a gurt is still a british version of a hell hound. According to wikipedia. They are called many things such as a dip, or what you mentioned: here is the link:
annewalker (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-04)
I got a bit bored, and decided to do a little research for you on the dog thing for you.

Obviously the idea of both "black dog" or dogs with "yellow eyes" is something which most people will associate with "evil" or "darkness" however I thought you might find the following useful, in terms of folklore.

In British Folklore there is a thing called the "Black Dog" from Connecticut, or the "Gurt dog" of Somerset. The Gurt dog was is described as having children play on the hills as they believed the gurt dog would protect them and guide them. The Black Dog again is supposed to be quite a benevolent dog, unlike some of the more 'disturbing' folklore around dogs.

Usually animals with "dark coats" and "fiery eyes" are regarded as "dangerous" often because of the symbolic attachment of fire to religious links.

I also thought I would add the Black Shuck, a dog which is often associated with electrical storms, although it has more "devil" or "death" connotations with it.

I hope these other smaller folklore tales of black dogs help with this, I would just trust your gut feeling and common sense.
Pablo (2 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-02)
I think you should listen to what kingston is saying and keep it under consideration. Just wait it out and see if he was right or wrong. Has he ever lied to you before or advised you like he has yesterday?
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-02)
so should I believe kingston. What if he is lying to me? Someoe tell me what I should do!
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-02)
ok I am crazy that "she" can't be me. I think. But I really doubt it now. Oh and my friend and I remembered a long time ago when we were kids we saw a black dog, yellow eyes. So he was watching me for a long time. But that means I saw his eyes once alredy. Possibly twice beacuse one day at P.E. I saw a bus woman who had blonde hair, yellow eyes, and a black tint to her pale skin. It startled me so I kept running and ignoring her. And later I found out they can take a human form with a black tint to any color of skin. So if I had seen it twice one more to go. Oh yeah that growl and howl startled the whole neighborhood. I satyed until it ended but my dog was so freaked out she was hurting herself so I went inside later I brought out a camera, but nothing. Kingston was not there. I asked and asked for him to at least say something, but I have not heard from hmim scince, until yesterday. He told me my friend does not believe me. So now I could possibly lose a friend. 😢
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-02)
caelum is some sort of "red dog". I don't know what that means exactly. So I guess that may literally mean red dog.
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-02)
oh my gosh! I did some research this is what I got, a prophecy, it has to do with the world ending... I think... I think the "she" could be me somehow?

THE PROPHECY:She waits below.
The dragon will rise before the lost two.
The blood of the dragon will create a door and destroy another; Caelum's voice will sing it closed with ice and fire and blood, and be lost until she claims her new tongue.
The blood that heals will release the dead unto judgment, and the judged unto Heaven. And upon the destruction of Michael's heart, Belial will ascend to the Morningstar's throne.
Hell hound venom starts the guardians training for this century. It's venom smells like ripened peach.
A hellhound's hunting howl terrifying. It is described as causing terror in "mortals", which can be taken
To mean roughly anything other than mosts kinds of demons, most angels and
Fullblown deities - it particularly includes ghosts and anything dead or undead,
Those being hellhounds' intended prey.
Hellhound howling tends to set up odd echoes that heighten the effect and
Make the sound seem louder. In enclosed spaces the effect can be awesome enough
To make rational thought flee, while in wide open spaces the sound carries over
Great distances. Hellhounds look like large black mastiffs with red or yellow eyes. They have foul breath that is often described as smelling like rancid meat mixed with sulpher.

The hellhound can emit a terrifying howl that has a chance of causing panic in anyone who hears it.

BTW I copyied and pasted these from differ sites.
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-01)
Exactly my nose bleeds, I want to throw up, and I can't breath sometimes, it is the angel gabriel trying to tell us the way he told the virgin mary. So I never can even give a hint of what its like except its terrible don't you agree. The way some of us are wiped, and when they come! I mean its so sad. That was too much now I am sick again, see evn that much info is bad.
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-01)
well first I always felt like I was watched then I had dreams with him in it. Next a family member of mine died, then he started to notice he was there, so I looked up hellhound, and found everything like that was happening, like I noticed I had a backwards shadow, I did research and it mentioned a backwards shadow, and more similar things. So that's how I found out about him.
lvl3y0u (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-09-01)
..."The future is in my dreams. When I try to tell about the world ending dreams, something stops me, I get very sick, or I get a nose bleed so I don't..."

Every time begin calling out people when I get fed up from them calling out my faults as they see them. I eventually begin to hyperventilate in a way and feel sick as though something is mad at me and I usually have to stop.
Pablo (2 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
How did you find out who your guardian is supposed to be, I would like to know mine:)
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
now I know... They are guarding me because another demon is trying to get to my mind to get to the gates of heaven. Therefore, I don't know who, sends hell hounds to guard me. That may sound crazy right? But I have done research, dreamed, and spoke with kingston. Oh and the howl is to strike fear in someone, and it is thier hunting howl.
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
HELP ME! My guardian said thier are lots of them guarding me, but the howl I heard was thier hunting howl, they were hunting someone, but not me. So I wonder if someone is hurt... And yes he was right, guardian or not, he can kill me if I see his eyes 3 times, that's why he only tlks not shows, but the others are possibly hurting people.
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
Strange Water Connection

Ever scince I have been connected to water some how. I am an aqurius, and my aura is blue, I have a connection with the color, and I LOVE swimming. When I'm under water strange things happen. Some such as possible water spirits trying to drown me. I don't know what they want.

This is how I almost died: MY friends and I were at the river. But I dived and something pushed against my back and held me under, I looked up and saw nothing! I kept teying to gt up but I could not. It stopped and the water was shallow so I came back up, my lungs FULL of water, I sorta blacked out on shore and saw a rainbow like wormhole with a white light at the end, as it got closer, I got more concious. I opened my eyes and felt someone hitting my back to get the water out of me. I finally was alright, but it shook me.

Can some one tell me what it means, how am I connected to the water somehow? Please I need answers! It would help a lot. I want to know what the water has to do with me. I love it when it storms! I feel a whole lot better in the water, sometimes I just wash my hands for no reason! Please please please please please!
TEll ME! Sorry I just really really want to know, plus I have to add more or it won't let me submit it.

So has anyone else felt a strange connection to a certain element? If so what does it mean? Most things I do involve water, other than the stuff in my other story (read that to I need answers for that as well) SO you know just comment and please tell me what you think, what I should do, or what I am, or mabye even what the hay it means!
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
i took it again now its 86/100 I am making progress, can someone tell me more about how to improve my skills?
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
oh yeah I took all the psychic test and the results were very high, and 78/100, also the tarot cards said this over and over! PRESENT: life, Present: the devil, and FUTURE: death. So yeah...

LIFE: yay! THE DEVIL: 0.o DEATH: 😨
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-31)
oh and thanks, by the way I talked to Kingston, is what my friend came up with to name him. He said he can't show himfeslf because he can hurt me. And he said more than one is watching me, and angel are involved, he said they don't even know why they are gaurding me. And something is after me. That nigh my dog and I were out side, a strange growl and howl came, the dogs in the neighborhood went wild! Then my dog slamed into the door to get in! It was wierd. Then something I can't see, is booking (knocking my books out of my hands) me at school, and knocking things around. My little bro says he has seen a small black thing with wings chasing him. Thanks for all your help guys.
Rainbow29 (2 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-30)
*Hugs* Hey, I felt like this too as I was growing up, I also felt I must be of a dark nature by others' reactions & my 'feelings' I never could recognise myself in the mirror, wich I better know as transgression now, it's taken me a long time to accept and realise I am exactly the same as everyone else yet perfectly unique, today I know my spirit 'team' or guides or angels/ascended masters, there's a whole world & wealth of 'stuff' for us to learn & enjoy being amazed at as well as things that will scare living daylights out of us, I think, i'm sure! Ours is a world of balance... Have fun working it all out & i'd love to hear more of your experiences & I don't mind sharing mine lol:D
Deathwalker86 (2 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
Well, like I said. You should do some indepth research about these kind of things, you might be surprised with what you might find. That's all I was trying to say.
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
i never said cerberus. And the cerberus is a 3 headed hell hound. The hell hound that I talk about is the kind that are dogs from a past of abuse or what not to haunt thier master, but some say it can be a gaurdian to random people like me. Nor was I refering the hell hound from christian beliefs, I did not know it was even mentioned in christain beliefs.
Deathwalker86 (2 stories) (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
The fact that its a shadow dog does not mean its a Cerberus (Hell Hound). I think you need to do some good research outside of just christian sources. I believe you will be amazed about the things you can learn. To be honest with you, sometimes the christian sources are limited as far as giving you more detailed and indepth information with a wider cosmology on these things.

I hope you find the answers you're looking for.

"My people perish from a lack of knowledge".
-Hosea 4:6 (Holy Bible, King James Version)
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
ok good. Because if you look hellhouds in the eye more than 3 times you die, so I stays invisible probably so I don't see its eyes. But I feel its prescence, I see it in dreams, I have only saw it become other black animals with thier eyes closed. And looked at me, but after that I saw its dog form finally. It is a shaggy mastiff with yellow eyes, and a very very dark black coat.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
So? I have a talking cougar for a guardian. My apprentis has a pheonix. It's normal.
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
I mean most people have a guardian angel but I have a gaurdian hell hound!
Rockypelt (1 stories) (66 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
thank you soooooo much finally somebody answered, but what about having a gaurdian hellhound? Why do I have one?
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-29)
You meditate on a chakra to open it or use stones or use your senses. Each chakra has it's own sense. You can look it up on the net. For healing look up Vitakinesis I personally use it's opposite, Crucikinesis. Reading minds is a version of telepathy and your dreams about the future are called precognition. Other questions?

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