I used to see a dark shadow in the door way of my bed room at night. Sometimes the shadow would move to the end of my bed or beside it. I never really paid attetntion to it at first. I would then fall asleep and I would have one or two dreams over and over.
Either I was being chased by something or I was falling into a bottomless pit.
When I got older I had dreams about people dying or sick. I didn't understand it until something happened to them.
The dark shadows where still in my bed room even tho I moved out of the house I lived in as a child. Now that I live alone the shadows are still there but sometimes I feel as if I'm not. The dreams that I have now come true and for some reason I tell select people about my dream.
For example: " I had a dream about a pregnant lady but she was headless. I did not know who this lady was but she was walking around."
The next day I told one of the guys at work about my dream. I normally don't talk to him about my dreams or anything personal, but that day I did. Later on that day he found out his wife had a miscarriage. With that being said I don't know his wife and I didn't know she was pregnant.
All of my dreams are not bad but when I dream about things it happens.
I also have dreams about work. When I do dream about work I tend to get a promotion.
I am a true believer in Jesus and I believe in the bible. I know there is a heaven and hell but what I do not know is what I am going thru.
What does all this mean?
I have another guy that has the same thing happen to him as a child but we don't know what it is.
Can you help?