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Real Psychic Experiences

The Shadow


Hey there guys

The story I'm about to tell you is a bit weird and may be just the mind playing tricks. But I think otherwise.

Well the story starts in my school. The first few years I came to Canada I went to a school. The school's name was Lescon P.S Toronto Canada. The bathrooms there were always rumored to be hunted, But most kids thought that as ridiculous. I was one of those kids. But year after year as I gone to the bathrooms I always had this feeling that I was being watched. When I was getting out of the bathroom I always had the feeling it was behind me. It scared the living hells outta me. But once I gotten the guts to look back and I saw. Nothing. The thing that followed me was gone. The same thing happened when I walked down the halls alone and when I was alone in a classroom. I had the feeling something was behind me. But what was strange was that in the bath room doors (twin doors that opens towards you) had some of the pain falling off of it so it looked like a demon. But what was strange was that the demon was on both doors. Is that possible? But recently when I gone to China for my vacation, I moved around a lot. It seems that the thing that watched me followed me here as well. My first night was the worst. I had a bedroom to myself and around 11-6 o'clock (Night) because I could not sleep I felt like something was watching me. Later when I tried to sleep I turned off the lights the feeling got worse like it was next to me. I didn't sleep for the whole night. Later that week I moved to my aunts new condo and the first few nights was normal but when my whole family moved in (my dad's side) we had to share a room so it was 4 people a room in my room. Since I was a late sleeper I always slept at around 1 o'clock. I really didn't notice the feeling of being watched until recently. I notice a odd shadow like a head. It was only a head, round and smooth kind of going down a bit. No ears no horns. I checked for something that could make that shadow but I found none. The feeling of being watched is unbearable. But before that i, with my family, was having dinner one night and the bathroom door closed. But before it closed I saw a shadow going in. Can someone tell me what it is please?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, TheFather, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

LunarKnight (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
I say its not magic just simple science o...o I say some things are possible when others are not well at least for now.
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
Neither I am fully awakened I don't think there's such a thing. People are free to develop their abilities and it's easier for some than for others.
I don't want to sound rude to anyone but I really want to explain this. There's no such thing as magic. You can't say some "spell" and burn something,that's impossible. But magic meaning manipulating nature's energy and understaning the meaning of what you are saying is possible. My best friend's a witch so I know this.
And it's not magical fire, it's just fire energy (ki). People are born with energy that can be fire,water,air or earth, it depends on your sign. I have fire because I'm Sagittarious for example. If you aren't a fire sign you can always perform a fire fuse technique that you can even read on the web and use your new energy to seal your house and cocer yourself with it. If you have questions about this feel free to email me, my address is on my profile 😊
LunarKnight (11 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
I must this you said you feel that something has been watching but, did it appear as a threat I mean did this thing ever attack you? Or was it just hanging around.
Did it give a depressing feeling? What type of feeling did you get from this thing exactly?
TheFather (2 stories) (27 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
No I don't think I was doing a out of body exp I saw their faces... Full of blood... And no I'm not awakened yet so... I don't know how to use magical fire and make blue fire but if you want to help we can talk
Madara (guest)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
i had simular experiences. One with a blue aura being on my balcony and a deamon or what ever it was, a blak mist almost drowned me. My case is different since I possess lunarkinesis, negative energy, and if my master doesn't get rid of all the negative energy in me well last time I had a demon that almost drawned me. Me and a friend of mine who has a problem with a shadow being figured out that (if you aren't possessed) those beings can't harm you during the day. So I seal my bedroom door, balcony door and window with light fire energy and it has worked. If I were you I'd give it a try.

For you being ablevto see the doctors while operation could it have been an out of body experience? Did you feel like floating above them?
And you father's death seems out of the ordinary. I know demons, negative beings and negative energy can do that. My step-dad stayed 50 days in a hospital for cancer that my negative energy gave him without me knowing or wanting it.
I hope this can help you
TheFather (2 stories) (27 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
Just gotten a tarot reading it involved the devil for my future...
TheFather (2 stories) (27 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
Oh yes I forgotten... 2 of my close family members have died since I have born to now... One of them being my dad and the other being my grandma (moms side). My father when I was young hit me (we were in china) when I did something wrong and if I was being rude. But other then that he was nice to me. When I was 3 my dad and I was playing on a stair case. He was throwing me up and down as we went down. But something made him miss and I ended up being rushed to the hospital to get stitches in my head which I have even until now. The weird thing was that I woke up in the middle of the operation and I saw the faces of the doctors and nurses with blood on their hands and a bright light behind them so I cannot see them clearly. My father later died 3 years later when I was 6 of a heart attack. God knows what he has seen. They say he died of a heart attack play BADMINTON. My grandmother died before or after him I do not no. But it stills puzzles me. How can a man die of a heart attack playing badminton? There was people around him and none helped him? Seems a little strange.
TheFather (2 stories) (27 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
I think its gone... Yesturday night I found the shadow was a clock but before that... The clock wasn't there...
I've already blessed my home but I feel it in the hall out side... Waiting for me... In Canada I used to sleep sometimes in the afternoon and wake up with chills and a layer of sweat... I can never seem to recall the dream... I used to go to the church by I stopped going a long time ago but I still believe in God and Jesus... And yes I pray... I still don't know what I am maby physic... I have never been awaken yet but can you tell me how? I always feel like I'm being followed by something in a hall way alone... Maybe I'm being paranoid? But I swear I seem to feel its there...
Lilylove1 (33 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)
A demon will follow you and await its chance to complete its assignment. Cast it out in the name of Jesus and then cancel its assignments in the name of Jesus. Command it to leave and never return. That one will never be back. When others come do the same. Resist the devil and he shall flee.

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