I had a Cat that I grew up and have known all my life called Honeycat and I have been seeing her since she died. I was coming out of the bath room and I saw a little black figure zoom past my toes. It did look like a cat and I could feel the fur on my toes.
When I was coming up the stairs, I saw a little black figure again under the sink, maybe because under the sink was a little bowl that she used to drink from.
When I was in my bed trying to get to sleep, I could feel her jump on the bed and lie down on my legs I couldn't move and was STUCK on the bed, but it got me to sleep.
Also when I in my bed I felt like her paw padding on my head to put me to sleep. That's what she used to do when I was a baby to make me stop crying.
Also after she died I would find BIG cat scratches on my legs and we don't have any other cats. The scratches on my legs would hurt because they were big deep red scratches.
I have also heard cats meows and and have felt her fur on my legs and on my hands.
My mum has also heard cats meows and insists that it's our imagination, but I know its not!
I would like kind comments like the ones on my last story and it would be lovely to hear from everyone!