2 or 3 day before the summer holidays in my class we were about to learn psychic so the teacher told me to go out because I wasn't allowed to learn about it because my parent thinks I am too young. Anyway, I went to another class before I went out of the class I had a weird feeling I don't know what it was but it just that I felt something inside me so powerful and new to my abilities I didn't know what was going on until the people in my class went out with fear on their faces and saying it was like a horror movie.
I asked someone what happened the person told me that one girl fainted and a boy too at the same time. I ran quickly to see my friend the girl who fainted but the teacher kicked me out.
Anyway I asked the things my if it was me they told me yes it's you who made them faint and more would faint or die if you don't lock this right now. At first I thought maybe I will be able to control it but at the same time I felt so guilty of what I cased.
When I finished my lunch I went outside to the playground. Then people started to faint they all added up to 6 people. At that time I felt like that I was a time bomb then I started crying. Then two minutes of crying I decided to lock my powers. I told my friend that know about the powers but she never believed me so I felt very upset of her.
Anyways if you know any way to control my power new ability that I locked within an hour of it coming. Thank you for reading. A big thank you to who created the website because without that person we couldn't have shared our experience the website would be really better if everyone could add friend and chat about how one could help the other.