I'm 18 years old. Ever since I can remember, I have always had a way of 'knowing' something bad is going to happen, but the worst part is there is nothing I can do because I don't know what it is or where it will happen, but sure enough, something bad happens. For instance on Halloween night I was on my way to a party, and I was really excited. But suddenly I felt like something was telling me to not go there as if it was a bad idea, sure enough at the party, I was very nearly raped.
In my house the television signal would randomly mess up, but we just put it down to the weather, being in Ireland there is LOTS of rain. Until one night my distant cousin and best friend stayed over, and the televisions were going like crazy! I randomly shouted leave me alone it's not funny and sure enough they went back to normal! Must admit that freaked me out a good bit lol.
Now from around the age of 14 I have been able to sense a spirits presence around me, and tell if it was a loved one, or a friend, or a stranger, or if it was evil. I had just never been able to see them or speak to them. However nobody believed me.
This is where it gets FREAKY!
On Christmas eve 2011 my mother got drunk (unintentionally) and I looked after her until my dad came home from work at 2am. I then went to bed but I was too excited to sleep. So I was playing on my phone wide awake and my back started to really hurt, so I rolled over only to see an elderly woman at my door just standing there, smiling! Then she just faded. I have read up on that, and I was wide awake so I knew then I wasn't imagining, plus my dog was barking and growling at her as well.
So I went to a medium, for the fun of it. She is a very well known medium, and because I wasn't sure of her, I sat like a closed book, didn't give her any leads, and one of the first things she said to me was, 'you're just like me, you're a young medium, but in the spiritual world you're still only a baby you're only really discovering the extent of your abilities'. But sure enough she was able to tell me about Christmas eve, and other numerous things she couldn't possibly have guessed, as well as telling me where and when I have felt their presence.
But I made the mistake of telling my horseback riding instructor. She is usually really into the unknown, but when I told her about it, all she does is and I have heard her, talk bad about me and make fun of me to other people. I think she's jealous, but I'm not sure. But I have learned the hard way to not tell anyone of what I can do.
Anyone else the same?
I'm so sorry that the 1 person you decided to confide in & tell ridiculed you instead of offering understanding. Thats all on her & with you mentioning her interest into the unknown my guess is yes, she may well be envious. But please don't let the reactions of others deter you from reaching your full potential. You are very gifted. Ofcourse we all look for that understanding from those closest to us (myself included) & very rarely find it. I remind myself that they couldn't possibly comfort me on my experiences when its experiences they fear or can't comprehend. I am glad that I find that here & am also given very good advice. I hope you find it a comfort also just to know your not alone. ❤