I had a friend growing up and he passed away a few years ago. He was murdered. The night of his funeral, I heard my first "attack". I could swear I was awake in my bed. I can see my whole room... But I couldn't move. This scared me so I tried to scream for my mother. But I couldn't. I felt like my feet were floating as well... And then, I felt like there was a lot of pressure on my chest... Like someone was sitting on it. I started to panic trying so hard to move my fingers and toes and to scream. Finally, it was like everything was lifted and I screamed for my mom. She came running.
I come from a very spiritual family. My mother is native american, and so am I. Psychics, mediums, all that kind of spiritual stuff runs in my family. But back to my story... I researched it the next day, and I seem to have sleep paralysis. Studies say it's chemicals in your brain and blah blah.
Since then, I have experienced this about 6 more times... Much darker things have happened... I have seen demonic faces... It is not just chemicals... it's not science, it has nothing to do with science in my eyes. I just want to know if anyone else has experienced anything like this, and if they could help me out, because it has become my biggest fear. I know I will have another one one day, and I am scared to death.