Ever since I met this guy, it was random and some funny and weird things have been happening. We got together, you can say in an unthought romantic endeavor and I began to realize I had these extremely peaceful and complete PURE feelings AFTER seeing him. I could be in the biggest stress ever and after meeting with him, I felt light and just at peace, PURE. I can't even really describe it, I just felt "complete". When we first kissed, he pulled back from me saying I gave him "chills"- I had no idea what he meant, but this one time I went to visit him because he was sick and that same night I got home, I had done such a good deed- I just felt "love" inside me, this energy in my heart. A WARM energy and as I fell asleep, I remember seeing a white orb making me open my eyes. I never knew what this orb was but it didn't scare me. It felt positive, I thought it was my feelings in physical form. I also noticed when we finally pushed the barrier and we hugged, he held my hand and I felt the most amazing connection ever. It was so beautiful I swear I cried (after thinking about it). He seemed to blend with me and we sort of became one.
Other things happened as well, such as coincidentally running into each other unknowingly places but I would always have these dreams. At first they didn't seem important or I thought it was me, but I always seemed to dream of him whenever we speak that day and couldn't see each other. They would be SO real, I'd waking feeling the same as if I had seen him. When things seemed to just get to be too much from me, I called things off. The day I called it off, he had called and my stomach felt like I had just been punched. I felt such guilt and just "BAD" but couldn't explain why, I couldn't stop crying and it didn't seem serious to him. I don't know if I picked up on his reaction or what?
Can anyone tell me what this might have been and why I may have experienced this with him? I've NEVER in my life experienced anything like it.
I kept dreaming of him even after the break up, around the days he'd usually call me. I even dreamed his final goodbye, I dreamed he wrote me a letter and professed his true feelings for me but how I wasn't accepting them, he left me alone. In real life, we had a discussion if he was really interested or not and he left me with a passionate kiss. I never saw him again. I broke up with him soon after.
Hdefinition- I feel you on the premonition parts, I experienced them but it was almost as if he was trying to tell me his feelings towards me in my dreams- what I guess he couldn't do in real life.