I have a friend who needs help. She has ESP (for those of you that don't know what that is, it's generally being psychic), and she has something going on. She wanted me to ask if this person appearing in her dreams is an angel, or something else. What is this being, you ask? Well, she has this dream whenever something horrible happens, or she is uncontrollably angry. For example, if someone close to her dies, or if she's been bullied that day. You see, when she falls asleep the night the thing happens to her, there's a boy that appears. He has blonde hair, and is sometimes with his baby sister (so she thinks). She can't talk to him, and he doesn't see her (we've tried to make both these things happen, to no prevail). But she says he always calms her down. Is this just her mind running wild, or is this her guardian? He doesn't seem to be harmful, he seems to want to help her. I don't know the truth, really. So please, give me feedback.
Also, my anonymous friend needs to know what it means if she used to be able to, well, basically have the power to dreamwalk (and she says she's ESP), but now is no longer having dreams. Is she losing her powers?
By the way: My friend IS A REAL PERSON. She doesn't believe anyone can help her, and so seeing I have powers forming myself, I've decided to do research for her. Please, help my friend, BEFORE she goes crazy. I don't want her to think she's psycho when she's not, and she doesn't know what to do with herself. I'm sorry if I seem like I'm butting into business, but I'm just trying to help.
Not sure exactly what it is, but your friend's definitely not going crazy.
If he only comes around when she's really stressed maybe it's her way of meditating to get rid of that stress-her outlet. Think that'd make sense in the way he seemingly can't see her.