Hello, I'm happy that I found this site. I've read a lot of the stories that people have written about their experiences and I happy to know that I'm not alone. I've had a series of horrifying experiences with spirits when I was a teenager. For instance... I would hear footsteps in my room that would stop at the foot of my bed. Objects such as pictures would flying off the wall and land in the middle of my rooms. I would feel someone touching me. It was the most terrifying experience I ever had.
I know now the cause of it was from playing with the Ouija board and I had let something in. After that stopped for years I've always felt that something was watching me... Feeling as if they were standing right next to me. I've had dreams of something trying to pull me out of my body but I was too terrified to go.
Recently I keep seeing these two numbers whenever I look at the clock... Sometimes it would happen 5 days in a row and then stop. I see flashes in the corner of my eyes. My feelings of someone watching or becoming stronger and at one time I heard a voice in my head. It's was more like a roar of some kind but it came out of nowhere.
Has anyone out there had this same experience with a voice? If so please share your experience with me and tell me what's going on.
Thank you.