I was out with my freinds when I had like a premonition like in final destination about my friend getting hit by a car on wilshaw road I also had had a dream about it the very night before. I thought it was just a silly dream. But when we crossed wilshaw road he was hit by a car but luckily the car was going slow enough to only break his leg and have a black eye I also had a dream about my friend getting a broken arm on his trampoline and then he broke his arm while doing a trick on his trampoline so I am wondering if anyone else has this problem? If so will you please tell me in the comment box at the bottom mkay I didn't see my friend get hit I was way ahead and all I heard was a very loud BEEP and my friend screaming his head off in pain like aargh and when my friend who broke his arm on the trampoline in his back garden we did a duo trick but it went terribly wrong I felt really bad even though it was his idea to do the trick beacause we have done the trick countless times before
I hope I don't have any more of these annoying dreams! Please I don't like or want these dreams or premonitions or whatever they are omg I hate these dreams! I am a average guy in a average town just wanting a normal life why do I have to be psychic its not as cool as you think but I am really not happy with being psychic thanks for listening
I found after a while that I began to feel like a habinger of doom, or vulture as I waited for confirmation. It's tough! It's fun to tell someone they are going to have a child weeks before they know, but it is NOT fun to tell someone that their girl friend is about to cheat on them, or that their life is about to be wrecked. And for the most part, I can tell you that people don't WANT to hear that. I have one friend that knows I am going to call every time something goes wrong with him. But some times you know you have to wait... Out of courtesy.😐
Learning how to tell someone something without... Speaking into existence something that MAY NOT happen is extremely frustrating. Are you receiving or projecting? Trust me that happens too.
Journal your dreams. Then put the thoughts away. You will know if you have written them down. Dwelling on negative things give them power so stay positive! Minor things, just see if they occur. Major things you feel compelled to say something about, do!
Many believe that all things have to happen for a reason, but why would we be given a gift, if not to change or present a different outcome? 😢 I have yet to figure this out entirely.