Let me get one thing straight. I am NOT the type of medium that can physically see the sprits. I can more like sense them like I know they're there. So now that that's over I can get on with my story.
For the past week, I have been 'seeing' spirits or ghosts or whatever you want to call them. They have been following me everywhere! (and it's getting kind of annoying) Like I'm not scared of them or anything, I know that (for the most part) they can't hurt me but some of them give off a threatening appearance. Like just a few minutes ago I heard a few things fall upstairs. My mom said it was just a bowl she had up there, but I heard like two more things. Also I have been hearing footsteps following me. Sometimes in my bed at night (and you will have to go to my account on 'your ghost stories.com' to really understand this. I am known as loca_mocha there to!) I will keep looking around because the one time I did physically see a spirit it really scared me, and when I am done looking around I will shut off my light and then sense someone laying down right next to me in my bed so of course I fumble with the light switch but then they're gone. I don't feel the presence any more.
I don't want to go to my parents because I would sound like I would need to be in the mental hospital, I mean can you imagine 'Mom, Dad, I am seeing spirits in my room at night so can you do something about it? Thanks!' My family is a Christian family so they would think I'm crazy. So really any help you have would be great and please tell me where I can find cold iron for sale like in a store not online. I read it can be good for 'warding off evil spirits'! THANKS!