This isn't really a psychic experience or anything but I really need help. Please just hear me out. I have a friend that suffers from nightmares every time she goes to sleep. She only gets around 8 hours of sleep per week. They're about flashbacks and people she loves dying. She lives on the streets at night. She has been raped many times, has gone through more physical pain than I can imagine, has seen her friends killed and tortured, and has even been forced to kill people herself. Don't get me wrong she is a good person. Most of the stuff she does is to protect the people she loves. But she is constantly tortured by flashbacks and nightmares. She can't get out of the street life right now. She is constantly going through new pain. I don't know any other way to help her. My other friend also goes through this but his nightmares aren't as bad. He gets around 25 hours of sleep a week. But his flashbacks are worse. Like waking flashbacks. I need to help them with this. There's nothing else I can do for them. Please I need to help them. They're my best friends I can't watch them suffer like this anymore. I want to help them spiritually since nothing else has worked. I know that this has nothing to do with any psychic experience but I need help. Please. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I also want to learn how to control dreams. Mine and others. Is that even possible? I've tried it before with no results but I'm not sure if I was doing it right. I've had dreams come true before but I've never been able to control them.
Please listen. The only way to stop having nightmares, the absolute only way is to close your chakras down. I have been a medium for 7 years and I have helped quite a lot of people suffering from sleep paralysis, nightmares and night terrors. It works 100%. I put a few articles together and created a website to help people. Doesnt cost you anything and there is no advertising to annoy you. It is such a simple solution and it saddens me to hear someone committed suicide because of their nightmares. I use to have pretty bad nightmares myself, but I have controlled it and got rid of them. Ghosts and evil spirits influence your dreams, you can only stop this when you close the doors to them entering into your aura space.
Love and light