I had a two week long "session" of visions, they only come at night, and normally I'm at least somewhat conscious, but also asleep (idk how) and I think about what's going on and so on, but maybe they're the thought I will be having? Idk, anyhow some kind of bad stuff is going to happen in the next few weeks, and I'm OK with it happening,
But I'm wondering first off if it's possible to change the outcome, now that I've seen these visions?
Secondly it seems like any time I tell anyone of my visions, they don't happen, does anyone else experience this/know why this happens?
Thirdly, is there any way I can control these? I normally only see them while I'm asleep (except on two separate occasions, I had a vision a few minutes before it happened, and it felt like real life so I was a little confused and cheeped out when it was over.) example being once I was watching TV with my mom and sisters (VERY rare) and I had saw my mom tell my littlest sister to go to bed like 5 times, and started to argue, so I started yelling for her to go to bed. Between seeing the argument and when I yelled, it went from vision to reality, and then I explained myself to my mom and other sister that mom had asked her to go to bed 5 times already and they had an awkward pause and looked at me funny and said no, she didn't.
What is this called?
The other time I was also watching TV and I saw a whole like 5 minute chunk of the show before it happened, and then as soon as it was done, what happened at the begging of the vision happened exactly the same way. Everything was the same. Did I lose those 5 minutes of that vision? Like was there something on that show that I missed during that vision? What is this called?