I read with interest the articles on recurring numbers, I too am haunted by the numbers 13 and 42. I met my wife on Friday the thirteenth, proposed to her on the 13th and were married on the 13th. We considered the number lucky for us. Later in life we moved to a larger house which was number 42. It proved to be a bad move as the neighbours were unbearable, I am sure she was a witch and we were forced to move house because of their behavior.
Shortly after my wife died suddenly, a day after reaching 42. She was fascinated by numbers and was brilliant at mental arithmetic. Since then my eyes are DRAWN to digital clocks (I am not constantly looking at them) whenever they display these numbers. This happens literally dozens of times a day including being woken suddenly when my alarm clock displays them. It has just happened as I am writing this at my PC with the clock on the task bar! It also happens with my microwave, car clock, petrol pumps, mobile phone and until receipts, etc.
To my dismay months after my wife death, I noticed her age was inscribed 43 on her headstone instead of 42 I had not checked the inscription details properly. You can see I am torn between thinking these numbers are a sign of good or torment.
I've been getting visits from a shadow person (another story for another time) These visits happen on the 2nd monday of the month at 2am. Now there is usually a death or two 2 days before or after the visit. Here are some more examples 2 people died in my house, 2 houses down 2 people were murdered. I have a child on the way who was concieved the 2nd week in Febuary (2nd month of the year) And they were supposed to be twins but lost one. And I noticed I tend to buy things in pairs. I tried to llok up if the number 2 has any meaning but can't find one, plus my shadow and ghost visits happen at 2am.