I just discovered this website because this is happening frequently now so I look stuff up and fond this website. Anyway, this started when I was I think 10, I am now 15.
So basically, I will have a very short clip or picture in my head I don't really notice it but I know it happens and whenever it comes true I remember seeing it in my "vision". Like it just happened today, like I was in the movie theater with my friend and I just froze when I remembered seeing what happened in the movie like three weeks ago and I told my friend and he just smirked. Some of my friends say that it's happened to them before but only a few times, mines happened at least 25 times and it's happening more often.
I know you probably think that this is stupid but I have a perfect straight diagonal line of five freckles going down the side of my face, I keep telling myself that it has something to do with that but that makes me sound stupid. Does anybody else have any straight freckles that "vision" like me?
Gosh I sound silly. But the visions are starting to scare me because I am afraid that if I see something terrible, I would have to tell someone and they would think I am crazy. Please comment on this I am getting kind of scared of myself, I don't know if god gave me this for a reason. I do believe in paranormal activities and outer stuff and I am afraid of it. I want help how to use my visions better I want to use them for the greater good, but the thing is, I don't even know if they are real or if I am just crazy.
Please respond, Matt.