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Real Psychic Experiences

Scariest Experience Of My Life


Let me begin with a bit of background. I was a Christian for a number of years through high school and college and took my faith very seriously. I was on the more "charismatic" end of the spectrum, meaning I spoke in tongues, took part in "spiritual warfare," etc. I was even a Biblical Studies major at a Christian college.

But over the years I began to lose faith. I'd never used drugs or alcohol or had sex at the age of 23, but once my doubts took over I began to abuse all three. Along with substance abuse came strange experiences with shadows and other paranormal beings from time to time. Sometimes I was under the influence when they happened. Other times I was sober.

The scariest experience of my life came just a few months ago while I completely sober. I was in an upstairs bedroom watching TV when suddenly this heavy, electric feeling/vibe came into the room. At the same time it began pouring outside and quickly developed into a severe thunderstorm. I noticed that the rain would dissipate and return with the heavy feeling in the room. It made me dizzy and a bit panicked.

I struggled to walk down stairs to my roommate, who is also quite perceptive to the paranormal, to find a distressed look on her face. She said she was feeling dizzy and a little panicked and didn't know why. We both went upstairs and began to meditate/visualize together because it was all we could think to do. The toxic feeling would ebb and flow as we meditated and prayed together, and my cat began acting very strange and eventually bolted out of the room.

Then the radio strangely turned on by itself and a HUGE thunderclap filled the room and I saw the biggest bolt of lightning I'd ever seen land not more than 15 yards from our apartment outside. At that moment the vibe in the room got so heavy I thought I was going to faint. But at the last minute I centered myself and again the feeling went away. The ebb and flow continued in decreasing intensity for another few minutes until it finally ended all together.

I have to admit I really don't know how to interpret all of this. I know it was real because my roommate was there, my cat acted strangely and bolted, the radio turned on by itself and the storm outside seemed consistent with the vibe in the room. All this while I was 100% stone cold sober. I'm thinking it was a demon or a VERY strong shadow trying to get into my head. Maybe even possess me. Not sure. I've been really shaken by it and would like to hear from anyone else who's ever experienced something like this. What do you guys think all this is?

(And trust me this story is real)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Promethius_Rising, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Zhabesha (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-29)
All this time since you gave me a blank comment I have been trying to figure out what you meant, but I didn't. Can you tell me? And be free to email me.
Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-20)
[at] truly-unknown

What the title, so I can look it up. I also wrote something about it.
truely-unknown (10 stories) (106 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
(spirit) I'm glad there are so many others that see that fog. There is only one story hat I have found on this site though. 😕
Spirited-away (5 stories) (46 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-19)
all of these low/high vibration, heave/hell/spiritual plane colliding with each other is creepy. Can this be the reason why I'm seeing a thin blackish fog in the air, sometime I get the feeling it is some other plane.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
I'm happy to see that you see the realization of your abilities. You can effect others just with the state of mind that you are in by the extent of your aura. Remember, when you are excited or angry it naturally raises your vibrational energy whether it be positive or negative.
I have the same ability to effect people too. But these days I only send out warm thoughts to all even if it is a person who does not deserve it. Why? I too was angry and resentful at one time. But I've learned that surrounding myself with good things, good people and a strong faith will help me. You see, you have to be careful not to attract lower vibrational energies when you are in a negative mood. They are so attracted to people like that. They also like to feed off of your energy field which will drain you of your energy. You will need a long time to heal but it will happen one day. And, you will be a much better person for it too. The extra benefit is that the higher vibrational spirits will be more intuned with you too. I'm glad I was able to assist you. Remember, no ones perfect that's why we need to stay on the journey of improving ourselves.
Promethius_Rising (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
And Eagleclaw you are spot on. I've never told anyone this because I don't want to get institutionalized but I've long been able to subtly control light breezes and clouds and other aspects of the weather, give comfort to people in distress by putting my hands on them, etc. And it goes both ways. When I'm hammered or angry or just generally in a bad place everyone around me feels it. They say it makes their head tingle and they feel a little sick. When I'm in a good place they say it's like a cool breeze or water washing all over them and a sense of complete peace. I'm not saying a Jesus or anything, just that I've always had an affinity with the higher energies out there. But I've been VERY irresponsible with it. I've drank heavily for years to deal with deep resentment I have towards my former faith and my parents and it's opened the door to negative energy. I'm finally realizing this and like I said in a previous response I've decided to stop drinking completely for the rest of my life. And I mean it too. I've resisted it for years because I didn't want the stigma of being an "AA cripple" or miss out on drinks during the game or with co-workers and friends. But the stuff has become poison to me, robbing me of my true personality and potential. It's just not worth it. It's time to take charge and allow myself to heal so I can finally have the life I've wanted. It's a scary thing to let go of something that defined you for years and years. Makes me wonder what I'll do with my time and who I'll be when the haze clears. But through all the anxiety about quitting I keep coming back to this assurance in my heart that says this is right. I just know that if I clear my mind and tap into my abilities I can do a lot of good for people and the world. Again it's SO comforting to know there are people like you guys out there. Good to know I'm not alone!
Promethius_Rising (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Anne your response gave me chills. I sense the earth's vibrations rising too. There is a major push/pull between lower and higher vibrations right now and I think people are going to get sucked into whatever vibration they resonate with and feed the most. As for what's feeding this it's without question substance abuse and prolonged anger/depression/resentment I have towards religion and government. (And perhaps on a deeper lever God and parents). I was deeply spiritual and patriotic at one point but feel lied to and burned by most of it. I'm coming back around now but that's what led me here. Beyond cutting drinking out of of my life I plan on beginning to meditate regularly, continually visualize white light all around me and ask for help from God/Higher Self/whatever. Not to mention lean on the support of close friends when I need it. It was a scary experience but most likely a wake-up call. If you're right and things are changing it's imperative we all begin strengthening our Higher Selves so we're ready. Thanks again for your thoughts Anne; it's comforting to see there are still people like you out there.
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)

OK, now we are going to get into this much deeper. Firstly, I still stand by with what I told you. But for you it goes much deeper. I want you to keep an open mind about what I'm going to tell you.
1. The electrical currents that you feel are real. Everyone has an aura that goes from 10 inches to possibly 20 feet from the body. The wider your aura is directly related to the higher the vibration that your aura emits. The smaller your aura is directly related to the lower the vibrational energy that you have too. When we interact with our living environment our auras "feel" things. Some of us are more intuned with it than others. Energy can be felt as heat, cold, tingling, soft, stuffy, sparks or pins/needles. Some people feel physical changes like yourself. Energy comes from nature and all living things in life. I believe that you have the ability to connect with the forces of nature and that's why you are experiencing this. Sometimes when we are first introduced to this it can be quite scary. Also, when a person dies their body may perish but not their spirit/soul. Their soul may stay on this plain for awhile or go immediately to the next. The shuffling feet was most likely a spirit. You can sense them with your aura. But the main point here is that you are intune with the nature spirits of wind and water.
2. Here is the next point. You may be using your meditation to interact with the electrical currents of your surrounding area. My brother has an outside stereo system that goes on the fritz on occassion. So, one day last summer I passed my hand over the front of the stereo and the frequency tuned in to the station immediately. My family is well aware of my abilities so their not frightened by it. So, you may have the same thing going on.
Also, when many of us are learning about our new abilities is is common to feel a little different for awhile until we adjust.
If you want to continue to have these abilities than don't introduce toxic substances into your body. All chakras must be clear and healthy in order to be open to "feeling" what has entered or surronding your aura. You can't do that with a cloudy mind or aura. Please understand, I mean no disrespect or harm to you in saying that. I just want you to understand what it is doing to your aura. And, I thank you for being so honest with us in telling your story.
Hope this helps you more.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Ok so let's say there was a demon trying to enter your mind. What are you going to do with this information? Demons don't just randomly inhabit people. In fact, demon possession is quite rare.

The earth is changing and so are the frequencies which may be why this feeling and or weather outcome is getting stronger. Again, though, what do you plan to do to counter this and maybe some food for thought as to why you're attracting it in the first place. And don't expect this to be the last time. I can tell you one thing though, "demons" (never a word I like, I prefer lower astral entities) feed off of fear. In fact, they pester people in the first place so they can feed off of what they have created. If you've got one in your auric field you may want to consider doing the spiritual and energy work to rid yourself of it.

An interesting side note, some people say the earth's frequencies are rising. If that is true, then we will all start seeing more through the veil to the other side, for better or for worse. The only thing that "separates" the dimensions are vibrations. If the two become closer in terms of resonating, we all may find ourselves in the heaven and hell of our making.

Promethius_Rising (1 stories) (4 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Thank you for your thoughts guys! You make some very good points. You may even be completely right. But I can't shake the fact that the vibe in the room wasn't just electric as it would be if my body was sensing the storm; a very strong feeling of despair and panic was also there. It felt like I was going to faint or lose control or something. But everytime I centered my focus on the area between my eyes and meditated the feeling would immediately go away and the storm outside would calm down. Then when I'd come out of the meditation a bit it would start all over again. This continued for a good 30 minutes. Maybe more. A similar thing happened when I wasn't sober. I used to take mushrooms and acid years ago and had the exact experience while on mushrooms. It wasn't as scary at the time because I dismissed it as a trip. Basically every now and then a deep despair would come on me and the lights in the room would flicker and dim then come back up when the feeling went away. Then I'd feel ecstatic and happy and the lights in the room would get very bright. I had a completely sober co-worker there with me and she saw everything. When we went outside for a walk I suddenly felt a nauseating despair fall over me and it IMMEDIATELY (and I mean immediately) began to pour. It kind of shook my co-worker up. I told her to go home and that I'd get through it and not to worry. I went upstairs to my apartment and basically rocked myself to sleep praying the trip would just end. At some point before falling asleep a deep peace came over me and I knew I'd be ok. But it was pretty scary. Whatever happened a few months ago was almost exactly the same only MUCH stronger and I was sober. It might just be my body picking up on the earth's energy true. But I have a feeling there's more to it. I've always sensed things around me from the time I was like 4 years old. I used to hear "shuffling feet" as I called them start in the basement, run up stairs and shuffle in place at the foot of my bed. I'd be so frightened I was completely paralyzed and when I tried to scream no sound came out. This has occurred off and on my whole life. Just last night I decided to finally quit drinking for good and focus on healing my body, mind and soul and I think this will really help clear the haze and understand what's been going on. Either way I really appreciate your thoughts. =)
Eagleclaw (386 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-15)

First let me say that I know that this story is real. I don't doubt it for even a second. I know that you have been very frightened over this and I'm sorry to hear that. But, I would like to tell you more about what may have happened in my opinion.
First, all animals sort of freak out when a storm is coming especially a very strong one. It's a basic instinct for them to react that way. They can sense when a storm or tornado is coming before a human can. Animals are more intuned with the magnetic energy of the earth.
All my life I have always had the ability to smell the weather. I would know what weather is coming by just going outside and smelling the air. So, you may have been "feeling" the weather at that point. Also, I feel it in my bones because of my past fractures too. Most people who have broken a bone or two will tell you that it bothers them right before or when it rains. Also our bodies are made up of about 60% of magnetic energy. That of which we carry through our nerve system. Some people are more sensitive to weather changes than others. Its really difficult for me to go from cold to hot or hot to cold. It takes awhile for me to adjust to it. Maybe the change in pressure caused the both of you to have trouble to adjust.
With any storm electrical devices will go haywire. This happens to me every time it rains, snows or lightening. Maybe the magnetic storm raised your body energy so that may have caused the body changes.
So, don't worry it is not a demon or a shadow spirit. It's mother nature. Hope this helps calm your nerves.
AnneV (4 stories) (1064 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-12-15)
Severe storms alter barometric pressure and humans can feel that. It's not uncommon for people to feel what you both felt ( I think this was more the storm than a demon. Sure your roommate is sensitive so of course she'd sense this shift and if you were so close to see that bolt then the subsequent boom would send any animal scurrying. The radio was effected by the nearby lightning bolt. When I was in the mountains outside of Reno, there was lighting so close my hair was standing up and electrical instruments were also affected.

To jump to a demon conclusion would require more than what's presented here. Yes, this is a true story and I believe it but the pointers lead towards the storm in my opinion.
Thanks for sharing.

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